A Japanese culinary delight sushi rolls are made with sushi rice which is actually rice mixed with vinegar along with vegetables, tofu and raw fish. The filling is rolled in nori or pressed layer of dried seaweed sheets. In addition to this there are also nigiri zushi or finger rolls which refer to bars of sushi rice that is topped with fish and wasabi. Here are the step by step instructions on how you can make nori rolls or the basic sushi roll at home.
Difficulty Level
Slightly Difficult and Needs Practice
Start off by preparing the sushi rice. To do so you need to cook the rice in water and then mix it with vinegar, salt and sugar. Now lay out nori sheets on a bamboo mat and spread the sushi rice on these sheets.
Now arrange the fillings horizontally in the center of the rice that is laid out on the bamboo nori sheets ensuring that is rice above and below the layer of filling. You can also add a layer of wasabi before arranging the fillings on the rice. The fillings for the sushi can vary with the most popular being fish and vegetable fillings.
The top edge of the nori sheets need to be dampened with some water. Grasp one end of the bamboo mat and gently fold the mat so that no sushi rice spills off and close edge of the nori sheets overlap the rice and the filling. This helps in shaping the sushi into cylindrical shape.
Once you are done, press the bamboo mat firmly on the sides and top to secure the shape of the roll and then carefully remove it. Place the rolls on the chopping board ensuring that the seam side of the rolls faces downwards.
Use a Japanese cutting knife which has been moistened in a solution of vinegar and water to slice the rolls into equal pieces of one and half inches rounds. Use swift, sharp movements to cut the rolls back and forth. This will ensure that the sushi rice does not spill out. Serve immediately with raw fish or cooked vegetables on top.
How To Make Sushi Rolls
A Japanese culinary delight sushi rolls are made with sushi rice which is actually rice mixed with vinegar along with vegetables, tofu and raw fish. The fillin
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