Brewing tea from freshly plucked herbs can be therapeutic. Apart from making the tea delicious it is also extremely healthy and rewarding. Fresh herbal tea definitely tastes better than the tea made from dried leaves and herbs. It is easy to make and has a strong and authentic flavor.
Some of the best known herbs that can be planted easily in your backyard and can be used to make tea are Chamomile, Lemon grass, Rosemary leaves, Peppermint and Spearmint and of course Basil.
These herbs have excellent medicinal properties and can be a boon if grown in your home. Using any of these herbs in your everyday tea can be soothing and make the tea an interesting everyday affair.Here are a few simple tips to make herbal tea you’re your kitchen garden without much hassles.
Difficulty Level
Keep a teapot on the stove with 5 cups of water to boil. Now, select the herbs you wish to brew from your garden. Take a pair of scissors to harvest your herbal garden. Cut the leaves carefully with the scissors and keep them in a bowl or a basket.
For making five cups of tea you need at least a cup full of leaves to get the right flavor. You can always add more leaves if you wish to brew a stronger tea for yourself. Instead of just one flavor of tea you can also pluck herbs of various types and make a blend of all together. This blended tea would taste even better.
Wash the leaves in running cold water under the sink to wash off any dirt or grime. Now immerse the tea in the boiled water inside the kettle and cover with the lid. Allow it o steep so that it gets brewed nicely and acquires a wonderful aroma and flavor. Leave the leaves in the kettle for five to six minutes till you see a color change in the water. Strain the leaves using a clean strainer and keep the liquor aside. Your freshly brewed herbal tea is ready in minutes. Serve this wonderfully aromatic tea with honey, cinnamon or anything as per your taste.
Herbal tea tastes best when served with honey or a few drops of lemon juice. However, you can also serve them traditionally by adding milk, dairy creamer and some sugar. The liquor you obtain after brewing can be stored also and used later. Apart from steaming hot herbal tea, your fresh herbs will also make a wonderful cold herbal ice tea that can be served chilled with lemon or honey. It is a wonderful cool drink to be devoured in summers.
Benefits of fresh herbal tea: Some of the herbs have excellent medicinal and therapeutic benefits for the body and mind. Chamomile is a very effective herbal remedy for improving indigestion and strengthening the tummy upsets. Chamomile and peppermint are most suitable to get rid of cold and flu symptoms. Rosemary and Lavender have magical aroma that is soothing and very calm for the mind and body. Most of these herbs have exceptionally great qualities, they are rich in antioxidants and are known to improve the immunity and general well being.
How To Make Tea With Fresh Herbs
Brewing tea from freshly plucked herbs can be therapeutic. Apart from making the tea delicious it is also extremely healthy and rewarding. Fresh herbal tea def
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