How To Thaw Frozen Chicken




Frozen food is a boon for us today as it saves a lot of time and energy. Chicken can be kept in freezer either cooked or in uncooked form. However, it becomes important to thaw or defrost chicken at the time of consumption or final cooking. In some recipes you may have the liberty of adding the chicken in the frozen state, but most of the cooking recipes require thawed chicken for better results. There are a plenty of ways to thaw chicken.

Some of them are listed below to ease your task and choose according to the convenience and the recipe.

Difficulty Level



  • Refrigerator method: Thawing chicken inside the refrigerator is perhaps the slowest and oldest method. It is feasible if you have ample time for your recipe and you have a planned cooking schedule. It may take more than 6-7 hours for a pound of chicken to defrost while kept inside the fridge. You can keep the frozen chicken on a plate and reduce the temperature of the refrigerator. Thawing by this method ensures safe and healthy defrosting of chicken without destroying its original flavor.
  • Cold water defrost: Chicken can also be thawed in a basin or a huge pan full of cold water. You may feel tempted to use warm water for the same purpose but it’s not advisable as it may promote bacterial growth. Keep changing the water every 30 minutes. When you feel the chicken is thawed completely, press it by your hands to check the ice crystals, if any.
  • Microwave Defrost: The fastest way to thaw chicken quickly is the microwave method of defrosting. It ensures quick thawing but you need to follow the microwave manufacturer’s guidelines for defrosting frozen chicken. Each model has different specifications for the timings. Keep the chicken on a plate and defrost for some time. Turn it in a different position and defrost again till it is fully thawed. If the chicken is not fully cooked, keep repeating the process till it is fully defrosted and appears tender.
  • Tips and Warnings


  • Very large quantity of chicken does not ensure proper thawing. Always divide in smaller portions for better results.
  • Once defrosted, use the chicken within 24 hours or else it might get contaminated. However, you can refreeze it again but the taste will not remain the same.
  • How To Thaw Frozen Chicken

    How To Thaw Frozen Chicken

    Frozen food is a boon for us today as it saves a lot of time and energy. Chicken can be kept in freezer either cooked or in uncooked form. However, it becomes





    How To Thaw Frozen Chicken
    How To Thaw Frozen Chicken

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