Skin is the largest organ of the human body and it plays an important role in the appearance and personality of an individual. Dryness, pimples, flaccidity, enlarged pores, wrinkles, spots, age etc lead to flaws on the skin and makes the person less attractive. Hence it is vital to improve the skin tone.
Difficulty Level
It is very easy to even out the skin tone.
The most important factor that helps to maintain the skin tone is its water content and for this one should drink at least two liters of water every day. Hydrated skin gets plumped up and reduces the size of the skin pores and provides a better look.
It is vital to protect the skin from the most harmful sunrays. Hence the usage of sunscreens on all the exposed body parts through out the year is necessary.
Besides sunrays, skin may also get damaged due to dirt, pollution and oil. Cleansing the skin with a deep cleanser aids in avoiding such damages. Applying short sessions of steaming or skin toners helps to keep the skin clean and unclogged.
Cleansing will remove the dirt and excess oil from the skin but the dead cells that remain tactic even after cleansing may block the skin pores and cause pimples and enlarged pores. This in turn may develop fine lines on the skin and hence exfoliation is must to keep the skin perfectly toned. Use exfoliating creams, scrubs, chemical peels, microdermabrasion etc to remove the dead cells from the skin.
After exfoliating the skin apply good moisturizers that plump up the skin and keep the skin hydrated. Moisturizers that have SPF of 15 or more are ideal.
Washing the face at three hours interval makes the skin softer and smoother. If anybody wants to remove the dark spots on their skin, then they can use half cut lemon to rub on the skin. It helps to make the skin fairer while keeping it moisturized.
For obtaining a well toned skin one should nourish the skin with avocado mask, cocoa butter, olive oil, oatmeal honey mask, egg white honey mask, banana mask etc. These aids in improving the skin tone to a great extend and keep the person young and sensual.
How To Tone Skin
Skin is the largest organ of the human body and it plays an important role in the appearance and personality of an individual. Dryness, pimples, flaccidity, en
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