Insects are all around us! Be it a mosquito, a fly, a bee or even a spider- when we first think of them, they appear be nothing more than tiny harmless creatures!
However, there is a completely unexplored side of their existence which troubles us the most- their bite! Depending upon which insect has bitten you, you might experience a variety of symptoms ranging from swelling,blisters and redness to continuous itching and discoloration. More so, these bites might as well trigger your passive allergies! Thereby, it is extremely important to treat them well and treat them right. Here is how to do this.
Difficulty Level
If done with proper adherence to the tips mentioned below, this task would prove incredibly easy.
Wash up immediately. The moment you detect an insect bite, get hold of lukewarm water and wash the bitten area thoroughly and gently with soap. Dry it up and apply an antiseptic.
Try aspirin- not for consumption but for scrubbing! Rub the tablet over the affected area. Unless you are allergic to it, you will feel the itching go away instantly as this tablet is a known source of anti-inflammation.
Use salt paste. Mix pure salt with a little bit of water and apply it on the insect bite. Now use ice to compress the area and cover it up with a bandage for sometime. This will show instant results in containing the swelling.
Insect repellents are indeed the best way to prevent insect bites. Whenever you go out, apply an insect repellent. It will emit a stench, detectable only by the insects and will keep them away from you. Prevention, after all, is much better than cure!
Chlorine bleach acts as the best insect bite treatment. Dip two spoonfuls in water and mix.Now, apply it gently on the affectedarea. It would restrict the swelling and itching immediately.
Baking soda is also a good alternative. Its application prevents the spread of infection to other parts of your body and of course to the people who come in touch with you.
The key to effectively treat an insect bite is to begin the treatment quick and early. Insect bites undoubtedly pose a grave danger to your health. So, treat them with utmost care and due caution.
How To Treat A Insect Bite
Insects are all around us! Be it a mosquito, a fly, a bee or even a spider- when we first think of them, they appear be nothing more than tiny harmless creatur
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