Tea tree oil is extracted from a plant that is native to the Australian continent. Tea tree oil has effective anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Hence, tea tree oil is used to treat many conditions such as acne, bad breath, body odor, etc.
This form of alternative medicine can be very effective in treating common skin conditions if used correctly. This article has step-by-step instructions on how you can use tea tree oil as an alternative medicine.
Difficulty Level
The most common use of tea tree oil is to treat acne and pimples. Diluted tree tea oil can reduce skin inflammation and reduce bacterial growth thereby healing pimples and preventing new break-outs. To treat pimples with tea tree oil, first dilute this oil with water or Aloe Vera gel. Tea tree oil should never be applied directly to the skin as it very strong and can irritate the skin. Combine one part tea tree oil with 8-9 parts water.
First apply a bit of this solution on a tiny area of your skin to test for allergies and reactions. If your skin does not break out into rashes, proceed to apply the tea tree oil solution on the acne affected areas.
First wash your face with a mild soap and pat dry. Then using a clean cotton ball apply a light layer of the herbal oil solution on the affected areas. Allow it to dry and then follow it up with a light moisturizer. Follow this process twice daily to obtain desired results.
Tea tree oil is also effective in treating dandruff and other mild scalp infections. Gently rub a moderate amount of tea tree oil into the scalp and leave it for a few hours. After this shampoo your scalp and hair and use a good quality conditioner thereafter.
If you have a fungal or bacterial infection on the skin, apply a little tea tree oil on the affected area daily till the infection clears up. Tea tree oil will eliminate the bacteria and clear the infection effectively.
Tea tree oil can also be used to treat insect bites. Apply tea tree oil on the affected area of the skin to soothe itchy bites caused by mosquitoes and insects.
How To Use Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is extracted from a plant that is native to the Australian continent. Tea tree oil has effective anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Hence,
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