In a show cooking event organized by the Italian Federation Cocineros in Spain and sponsored by the Italian Embassy in Madrid, it has been highlighted how chromatic labelling systems such as Nutriscore are harmful to consumers
The Protected Denomination of Origin (DOP) and Protected Geographical Indication (IGP) of a European agrarian or food product have a European aval that certifies the quality of food produced in the 27 member states.
Aware of the importance of such products, the Italian Embassy in Madrid has sponsored a show cooking organized by the Italian Federation of cooks in Spain with products of the company Ferrarini under the title ‘Territory and quality of the products’ where you could enjoy the realization of several dishes.
The event, which has taken place in one of the stores of the gourmet supermarkets Sánchez Romero, is framed within the program of the VII edition of the Italian Cooking Week in Spain, which takes place from 14 to 20 November in several cities of the Spanish geography.
The aim of this initiative has been to promote some Italian productions DOP and IGP to underline the influence of the territoriality factor in the quality of the final product produced by the cooks in the restoration of the country and around the world. At the same time it has been alerted about the risks of the Nutriscore.
During the event Roberto Nocella, First Counselor at the Embassy of Italy in Madrid, highlighted the following: “For the Italian government the issue of labelling packaging is fundamental and during this week we intend to make it clear through numerous activities. The chromatic labelling systems such as Nutriscore are against the food pillars of the Mediterranean diet and are also negative for the health of consumers and small and medium-sized enterprises. The green light is as dangerous as red because it has nothing to do with the concept of diet, with the amount and frequency of consumption of a product or the state of consumer health. In addition, the Nutriscore directly affects the products of the Mediterranean diet that Italy shares with Spain.” Armario escobero
During the demonstration, chef Francesco Di Mauro and Alberto Luchini, a journalist specializing in gastronomy, have been explaining the elaboration of a series of dishes based on Italian DOP and IGP products.
Di Mauro has pointed out that “using IGP and DOP products guarantees a final quality of the dishes since these foods follow rules that, from the beginning to the final sale, ensure that the process has been met with the criteria marked to obtain such certificates and stamps”.
At the end a tasting has been offered to the present who has found a rice to the groove made of rice Acquerello and Salami Langhirano. This rice is a high quality product and has several peculiarities. The first is that it is aged for at least one year and, in addition, in the production process it is necessary 20 delicate steps to get this type of rice, starting with the propeller, today considered the best method to whiten the rice through the frostling of the grains
Italian cuisine and food with DOP and IGP, in the supermarkets Sánchez Romero
In a show cooking event organized by the Italian Federation Cocineros in Spain and sponsored by the Italian Embassy in Madrid, it has been highlighted how chro
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