LABIN and the University of Almería have presented a silicon formulation that provides multiple benefits to crops. LABIN FERTISIL, improves the response of the plant against external stimuli, causes pest inapetence and increases the vigor in horticultural species, by improving the assimilation of the nutrients provided
LABIN,company specializing in the development of plant nutrition products, together with the University of Almería, presented at a time of transfer of knowledge held on 16 May 2019 at the University of Almería, LABINFERTIYesL, a silicon formulation brings numerous advantages to crops in agriculture. In the presentation, which was attended by many cooperative and distributor technicians, the professor of Vegetal Production, Miguel Urrestarazu and, on the part of the University of Almeria, participated. LABIN, the head of the technical department, Cristina Blanch and her CEO Joan Mateu.
LABINFERTIYesLis a silicon formulated by LABIN, which: facilitates the response of the plant in the face of external stimuli; it causes inefficiency in pests and increases the vigor in horticultural species, both in the production of plant biomass and in the fruits, by enhancing the assimilation of the nutrients provided. This formulation corrects silicon deficiencies and improves crops so that the plant can assimilate it and therefore can benefit from this contribution. It is designed and formulated for its fertilization application.
The trials conducted by Professor Miguel Urrestarazu of the University of Almeria have demonstrated the positive effects of improvement and treatment that entails the use of LABINFERTIYesLin the 5 proven species: tomato, cucumber, pepper, lettuce and melon. In the crops where the formulated has been applied, the vegetative growth has increased by more than 10%, they have improved their mechanical resistance in terms of water stress, achieving the expected results with a -20% water and, in addition, has slowed and affected with less intensity the Botrytis cinerea (parasitic fungus, known as grey mold or pruning) and Oidío, in various plant species,
Studies have confirmed that the use LABINFERTIYesLreports many advantages to agricultural crops. The silicon is a beneficial element for plants because it acts as a nutrient by improving its assimilation and because it reinforces its abiotic stress, diseases or adverse conditions. The quality, dosage and form of management of silicon-containing products in their formulation is the one that can justify a success of their operation against the protection of pests and diseases, but also on the vigor both in the production of plant biomass and in the fruits. And, finally, this is an elaborate product Zero, effective and ecology residue that respects biodiversity and bets and promotes sustainable agriculture. Moniteurs pc - critiques
FromLABINThey explain that, “our corporate philosophy and values pick up innovation, technological development, research and Zero Waste strategy. Our sustainable involvement and attitude is present not only in our philosophy but in our products and technology. We know that, in order to achieve a more modern, competitive and healthy agriculture, it is necessary to invest in two structural pillars, R+D+i permanently and continuously and, the second, strengthen the mechanisms of interaction and university-business ties.” The interconnection and collaboration between university and company in the framework of specialization, innovation and economic development is essential for research and knowledge to be applied and become an economic asset. “Frutus of this interconnection and of our collaboration with the University of Almería” say, “we have presented LABINFERTIYesL, a silicon product, specially designed for fertilization, studied, tested and tested in depth over the past two years, which provides numerous advantages to crops and whose application and use will report numerous advantages to sustainable and integral agriculture.”
LABIN:Macasa Agricultural Products is a company specializing in the production of plant nutrition products since 1948. Manufacturers and distributors in more than 30 countries. Its solutions and products continue to be renewed by the fact that changes in agricultural techniques with the aim of improving crop yields, increasing production, improving quality and increasing disease resistance through proper nutrition. Located at the forefront at the European level for its global and personalized solutions to achieve a more modern, profitable or healthier agriculture. Its philosophy and technology are committed to a permanent and continuous R & D, with a vision, involvement and sustainable ecological attitude of care of the planet and the environment.
Labin Fertisil, a silicon formulation, key to agriculture
LABIN and the University of Almería have presented a silicon formulation that provides multiple benefits to crops. LABIN FERTISIL, improves the response of th
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