Legumes are a shield against diabetes, according to Serviasistente





The best source of vitamins, fiber, iron and magnesium are legumes. Thanks to the great contribution of these nutrients, legumes can help prevent the development of diabetes both in young people and in older people.

Serviasistente tell how legumes can help prevent diabetes and what are the best.

Despite the great contribution that legumes make to health and how much they help combat many diseases, over the years their consumption has been declining for various reasons. Mainly the lack of time to prepare these elaborate meals and the belief that most people have that legumes get fat are the main reasons. Consuming legumes brings energy and helps the nervous system work properly.


According to a MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) DIeta PREvention study conducted on 3349 participants shows that those participants who have consumed legumes have developed less type 2 diabetes. It is a fairly continuous and recurrent pattern, so you can say that the Mediterranean diet, where legumes abound, is a diet that helps prevent the development of this disease. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) has also mentioned the high nutritional value of legumes. Letras en Graffiti Gratis | Descubre Todos los Estilos

The main scientific reason is that when glucose occurs in high blood indices, after the intake of legumes this index decreases and remains stable. Other foods that decrease blood glucose levels are whole grain cereals and non-mature fruit, when consumed with the skin. This is because all these foods (legums, whole grains, skin fruits) have a low glucemic index.

What other benefits does the intake of long-term legumes have?

Consuming lentils, chickpeas, beans and beans, means a large contribution of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C, A, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, selenium, copper, iron, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus. These foods combined with cereals such as rice and quinoa make a highly recommended and healthy diet.

In what quantities should the legumes be consumed?

Consumption of legumes is recommended from 2 to 3 times per week in case of a normal and current diet. But for people who follow a vegetarian diet the recommended consumption is up to 5 times a week. Children can consume rations of 40 grams, elders about 50-60 grams and teens and adults about 60-80 grams. However, there are some digestive pathologies that should reduce fiber consumption such as Crohn's disease.

Legumes are a shield against diabetes, according to Serviasistente

Legumes are a shield against diabetes, according to Serviasistente

The best source of vitamins, fiber, iron and magnesium are legumes. Thanks to the great contribution of these nutrients, legumes can help prevent the developme






Legumes are a shield against diabetes, according to Serviasistente
Legumes are a shield against diabetes, according to Serviasistente

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