LEV, a nutrition expert, advises how to avoid feared cellulite





“It is very important to touch all the key pillars that help reduce cellulite globally: improving body position (through a diet that helps to reduce body fat, which does not always have to do with extra kilos), empowering it with exercise, with the help of lymphatic massages, avoiding toxins, favoring skin toning and reducing fluid retention with extra aids, are critical factors

Eliminate celluliteIs it possible?

It is not a matter of overweight, cellulite is a problem that suffers 9 out of 10 women on the planet


Lucir “tipazo” is the goal of most people facing the summer, but it is not only a matter of more pounds, but it is key for the figure to represent the best version, that the skin is healthy, smooth and fit. Cellulite is one of the most common problems among women (especially in their fertile period), since it is estimated that, 9 out of 10 women in the world suffer from it in different degrees. The cause is female hormones, estrogens, which favor fluid retention, and fat accumulation. Statistics indicate that only 10% of men can suffer from it and will be given in men with greater presence of estrogen.


This problem has nothing to do with obesity and does not distinguish between thin or overweight people. Cellulite is so common that it makes the search for effective remedies to remove it correctly, a recurring theme, as well as desperation not knowing how to act effectively. This quest to fight the orange skin increases in the months prior to the summer, where the rushes to find the best solution quickly joins despair. What is it really worth removing it? Fulares para bebés

The experts advisors Lev your Nutrition Expert they are clear that this is one of the great questions they receive in consultation, and their answer is clear:


“Having cellulitis can be a very important genetic character (something difficult to fight. It can be thin and with cellulite or have more body mass and not have cellulite).

What is cellulite and how to remove it?
Cellulite is an inflammation of the tissue. It is a mixture of liquid, toxins and fat adipocytes (the granules that are touched and characterize orange skin). When cellulite has the skin of the area, it looks untreated and off.

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About LEV
LEV – YOUR NUTRITION EXPERTS already has more than 150,000 success stories across Europe. Thanks to its three fundamental pillars; nutritious protein food, food reeducation and constant free advice. +METHING LEV: https://lev.es/el-metodo-lev/

Discover more information and its presence in different cities of Spain and Portugal, where it is a leading firm.

LEV, a nutrition expert, advises how to avoid feared cellulite

LEV, a nutrition expert, advises how to avoid feared cellulite

“It is very important to touch all the key pillars that help reduce cellulite globally: improving body position (through a diet that helps to reduce body fat






LEV, a nutrition expert, advises how to avoid feared cellulite
LEV, a nutrition expert, advises how to avoid feared cellulite

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