Los Montes de Galicia presents the 8 wonders of the artichokes





Anyone who follows a healthy lifestyle should know that artichokes are one of the key foods of all diets. Their properties make it not only an effective way to control weight, but also has incredible health benefits that make them even more important. Montes de Galicia, #ElMejorGallegoDeMadrid, remembers the benefits of eating artichokes and includes this amazing food in its delicious menu. www.losmontesdegalicia.es


They help combat cholesterol: alcachokes contain phytosterols, which help in digesting fats, reducing triglycerides in blood and helping to combat cholesterol.

They regulate intestinal transit: thanks to its high fiber content, alcachophas improve digestion and regulate intestinal transit. They prevent, both diarrhea and constipation.

They improve high blood pressure and prevent arteriosclerosis: by reducing triglycerides and controlling cholesterol, they prevent and help improve possible cardiovascular problems.

They prevent and help with some types of cancer: artichokes contain elements such as coffee or flavonoids, which are noted as beneficial to prevent the occurrence of colon or breast cancer.

They help with appetite control and have a low calorie index: artichokes help control appetite due to inulin, which is a type of slow release carbohydrate. This makes the energy provided by the artichokes managed slowly and regularly by the organism. In addition, it has a very low calorie index: less than 25 calories per 100 grams. It is a perfect food to control weight.

They contain vitamins and minerals essential to the body: iron, sodium, potassium, vitamins A and B6, magnesium...

They work as a natural diuretic: artichokes remove toxins and help prevent and decrease fluid retention. By removing toxins and excess fat, they can be beneficial to mitigate some skin diseases, such as acne, dermatitis or eccemas.

They prevent liver problems and help recover liver diseases: by helping to release toxins and function as a diuretic, artichokes clean and purify the liver, thus avoiding possible problems and helping in its operation.

About Los Montes de Galicia
Located in the heart of the capital and considered the #mejorgallegodeMadrid, Montes de Galicia offers the best fusion cuisine, on horseback between the tradition of the north and the most avant-garde of the nouvelle cuisine that is reinvented daily. A restaurant where the product, seasoned and cared to the end, transports the forests and the magical villages of Galicia. All in an exquisite atmosphere that collects and accompanies the diners, where the cooler of the blues of the cantabrian is mixed with the violetes of the Atlantic and the verdores of the wet earth, so that everything is to enjoy. Trámites de notarias un USA para hispanos

For its owner, Jose Espasandín, owner of the restaurant since 1997, to be considered as the best Galician restaurant in Madrid symbolizes something greater than a simple distinction, is above all a challenge that makes him overcome day by day. Thanks to this philosophy they have reached the highest of Madrid's gastronomy, achieving magnificent evaluations in the Tripadvisor app, among the best restaurants in Madrid, and the best of all among the exponents of Galician cuisine in the capital.

The celebrated letter has been created with the most select products of the earth and is based on the Atlantic diet that little has to envy the Mediterranean. In Montes de Galicia, health and pleasure are not mixed, dance together, like meigas, around the pork.

Simple and based on the flavors, textures and aromas of the north. With the best and freshest ingredients, Jose Espasandín, has created a selection of dishes for Montes de Galicia in which it merges the most traditional cuisine in the north with cutting edges, thus achieving innovative recipes that delight all palates.

And for all those who want to enjoy a nice space in the company of friends, an afterwork with co-workers or take something together... Montes de Galicia has created an unrivalled cocktail space, open until 2.30 pm Who gives more?

C/ Azcona 46, 28028 Madrid

Telephone: +34 91 355 27 86

Opening hours from 08.00 to 02.30

the ski lifts.

Facebook: @LosMontesdeGalicia

Instagram: @losmontes degalicia


Source Comunicae

Los Montes de Galicia presents the 8 wonders of the artichokes

Los Montes de Galicia presents the 8 wonders of the artichokes

Anyone who follows a healthy lifestyle should know that artichokes are one of the key foods of all diets. Their properties make it not only an effective way to






Los Montes de Galicia presents the 8 wonders of the artichokes
Los Montes de Galicia presents the 8 wonders of the artichokes

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