In autumn it is common to feel fatigue, to sleep badly or even to be in a bad mood. What the body needs to recover the energy is tryptophan, an essential amino acid that the body cannot synthesize and must be achieved through a proper diet and food supplements. MABOSALUD, MABOFARMA's food and cosmetic supplement line, explains why tryptophan should be taken, what are the foods that contain it and what supplement may not be missing in the daily routine
The most important work of the tripptophan is thatworks as precursor of serotonin, thehappiness hormone, a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating the mood, stress and appetite.
The tryptophan is essential for the synthesis of themelatoninthe hormone whose main and best known function is to regulate sleep and vigil cycles. Although, he's also a powerfulantioxidant and reinforces the immune system, among other goodties.
Also, it is necessary for the production ofvitamin B3 or niacinwhich ensures thegood functioning of the nervous systemand the circulatory and keeps the skin healthy, among many other functions.
It is essential for cognitive growth and development. In addition, tripptophan is key to good memory.
Tryptophan is a good ally of women in premenstrual phase, as it is when a drop in estrogen and progesterone levels is produced, which also reduces serotonin levels. In this phase, and during the first days of menstruation, the brain receives fewer serotonin and endorphins, which can affect mood and appetite. Also, a diet rich in this amino acid and a correct supplementation in premenopausal women is recommended.
MABOsalud then details the list of healthy foods that contain tryptophan to recover energy and be happy this fall:
1. Cranberries. They have a complete nutritional profile and are ideal foods to improve mood. Poseen un delicious flavor and are rich invitaminsandantioxidantshelp activate positive responses and signs of brain welfare. Like other red fruits, such as raspberries or blackberries.
2. Fermented. The health of the intestine is related to emotions. The usual intake of probiotics increases the neurochemicals of happiness (dopamine and serotonin). Therefore, products like kombucha orkéfir are perfect to improve well-being. They also help control weight and reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.
3. Vegetables. Obesity has always been linked to very poor diets in fruits and vegetables. The lack of vitamins and minerals can cause poor humor, so vegetables, especially dark green leaves, are very useful to improve mood. In addition, they contain a lotVitamin Candmagnesium, two essential molecules to transform thethyroxine and tripptophanin the famous serotonin and dopamine.
4. Salmon. Fish in general, although especially salmon, have a large content of Omega 3, an essential amino acid linked to the regulation of humor and well-being. In addition, other treasures of the sea, such as oysters, have a high content of selenium, also related to happiness.
5. Bananas. Its nutritional profile is rich in substances important to the organism, such as thevitamin B6, tryptophan and potassium, iron and magnesium, also related to humor. Blog sobre salud
6. Honey. (Although you have to make sure it's pure bees.) It is very beneficial for the brain, as it contains chercetin and kaempferol, two substances that contribute to its good health. Honey helps release serotonin, which elevates the mood and relaxes. In addition, in the kitchen is a very versatile product that allows to sweeten many dishes without the damages of refined sugars.
7. Ginger. It's an effective food.to accelerate metabolism, prevent heart disease, combat migraines andstrengthening the defences of the agency. It's aboutan effective solution for digestive problems or menstrual pains. Acts as antiflammatory, relaxing muscle and as a natural aphrodisiac.
8. Dry fruits. They're an excellent source ofOmega 3 fatty acids. Nueces, almonds, hazelnuts or anacardos are plant sources rich in tripptophan, the ally of happiness.
9. Chocolate. Chocolate consumption provides several of the chemicals necessary to be happy. In addition to its taste, what produces a sense of well-being is that it activates and accelerates the production of serotonin and stress control.
10. Citrics. Like oranges, and foods rich in Vitamin C, such as kiwi or pepper, also have an important role in improving mood and immune system.
It contains:
_L-TRIPTOFANO. Precursor of serotonin and melatonin. It helps reduce anxiety, depressive symptoms and mental fatigue and improves mood. Reduces mood changes and symptoms of “lower memory”
_RHODIOLA ROSEA. It is an adaptogen, a concept related to the ability to normalize body functions and strengthen systems committed by stress. Also, it is a cellular protector and acts as antidepressant and ansiolithic. It relieves the symptoms of astenia, such as fatigue and weakness, improves physical and mental performance.
_MAGNESIO. An essential nutrient. Scientists know him as “the Valium of Nature,” thanks to his power to reduce stress and anxiety naturally.
_ HIERRO. A mineral vital to the human being. The role of iron in the function of the nervous system is very important. It intervenes in the synthesis, degradation and storage of neurotransmitters such as serotonin. It is directly involved in the prevention and treatment of anemia, which results in fatigue and chronic fatigue, which is directly related to the mood and the correct mental health.
_VITAMINS OF GROUP B: B3, B5 and B6. The deficit of these 3 vitamins can produce fatigue, depression, agitation and anxiety.
It is recommended to take 2 tablets a day. Preferably before any meal (breakfast). If you prefer you can split the shot, 1 tablet in the morning or noon and/or 1 tablet at noon or at dinner.
* Exclusive sale in pharmacies
MABOSALUD is the line of food supplements and cosmetics of pharmaceutical recommendation of MABO-FARMA, the Spanish pharmaceutical laboratory on the market, for more than 26 years.
Due to its experience as a pharmaceutical laboratory for generic medicines, MABOSALUD offers an exclusive selection of products absolutely differentiators, with optimized formulations, very advanced and the highest percentages of plant active ingredients, to provide the effective therapeutic dose.
Exclusive sale in pharmacies.
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MABOsalud explains why tryptophan is needed to recover energy and happiness this fall
In autumn it is common to feel fatigue, to sleep badly or even to be in a bad mood. What the body needs to recover the energy is tryptophan, an essential amino
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