Seventy per cent of the institutionalized patients and 65 per cent of those admitted to an ICU suffer from it
More than 2.5 million Spaniards suffer from oropharyngeal dysphagia (DO), a swallowing disorder that causes a high risk of malnutrition and choking, and 90% are not diagnosed or given adequate treatment or feeding, according to the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC).
For this reason, and on the occasion of World Disphagia Day, which is held on December 12, SEORL-CCC calls for more awareness to detect this disease and menus adapted to this condition. “Almost a third of the population of the Third Age suffers from oropharyngeal dysphagia, an increasing pathology due to the aging of the population, since, among other things, it occurs due to a loss of muscle mass, and that occurs from the age of 65”, says Dr. Magdalena Pérez Ortín, member of the Commission of Laryngology, Voz, Foniatría and Deglución de la SEORL-CCC.
Despite being more prevalent than other feeding-related conditions (more than twice that of celiacs), only 1 in 10 patients are diagnosed. The rest, more than 2 million people, receive neither treatment nor adapted food. “Disphagia consists of the alteration in the transport of food from the lips to the esophagus. It can be by alteration of efficacy (the bolus is not transported in an effective way and therefore we do not properly nourish ourselves) or by alteration of security (the bolus can go to the air and produce serious complications such as aspirative pneumonia)", adds Dr. Pérez Ortín.
This swallowing disorder affects between 16 and 30% of those over 65 years of age in Spain, which is between 1.5 and 2.8 million Spaniards in that age group that do not ingest the nutrients necessary to live. The figures are even higher in the case of patients admitted to hospital centres or in residences. “ 40% of those who enter a hospital present DO. Which means that in 1.6 million processes requiring admission, the patient will suffer some degree of dysphagia. While this pathology affects 70% of institutionalized patients. It is estimated that in Spain there are 444,000 institutionalized persons of whom 310,000 suffer disphagia”, explains Dr. Pedro Cabrera, a member of the commission of Laringología, Voz, Foniatría y Deglución de la SEORL-CCC. Correo temporal gratis
Sequel to neurological diseases
The motives produced by DO are multiple. “It may appear from diseases, head and neck surgeries, surgeries that cause structural, organic alteration that will cause a purely mechanical problem to occur in the passage of food. Also neurological diseases: ictus, parakinson, multiple sclerosis, dementia, which can cause dysphagia by an alteration of coordination. It affects between 22 and 65% of patients who have suffered a stroke; while 30% of people with parakinson have a oropharyngeal dysphagia clinic,” says Dr. Pérez Ortin.
Another of the causes, which is also one of the most inadvertent causes, is the loss of muscle mass. “It occurs mostly in patients who have been hospitalized for a long time and who have needed prolonged ICU income, for example, at Covid-19. Patients who have to be more than 5 days without eating by mouth can have a oropharyngeal dysphagia, simply by muscle atrophy, by the disuse and weakness that produces the absolute rest of this whole system of deglutory coordination”, says Dr. Cabrera.
Among the multiple consequences of dysphagia is the increase in mortality. “If the food is not properly transported from the mouth to the esophagus, the patient suffers from malnutrition and dehydration. So it worsens the physical state and consequently disphagia. This favors the emergence of pneumonia and security problems. Oropharyngeal aspirations cause pneumonia in 50% of the aspirative events. Aspirative pneumonia is the main cause of death in neurological patients and is the third cause of death in over 85 years of age,” says Dr. Pérez Ortin.
Pediatric patients
This swallowing disorder not only affects older people. Certain syndromes and pathologies that affect the pediatric and neonatal age involve a number of physiological and/or anatomical alterations that can generate dysphagia, The incidence of children has increased due to the improvement of the survival rates of children with complex conditions. Thus, a prevalence of 30-80% of dysphagia is estimated in children with developmental disorders, and 19.2-99.0% in children with cerebral palsy.
From SEORL-CCC it is indicated that the approach of dysphagia should be multidisciplinary. “It should cover all that is the nutrition and well-being of the patient, as well as rehabilitation and if surgical treatment is needed. Treatment and improvement in these patients depends on the origin of the injury. Among the most usual there are modifications in the diet, in the textures, rehabilitations logopédica, nutritional approaches and in specific cases there are surgical treatments”, explains Dr. Isabel Garcia López, general secretary of the society.
More than 2.5 million Spaniards with dysphagia are at risk of malnutrition and throbbing, according to SEORL-CCC
Seventy per cent of the institutionalized patients and 65 per cent of those admitted to an ICU suffer from it /COMUNICAE/ /COMUNICAE/
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