Many women don't know things as basic as having the rule doesn't mean being ovulating.
Despite living in the 21st century, having access to information in a single click, there are still women who do not know their body and much less their menstrual cycle. They have not stopped to observe, to study and to know what happens every month in their organism.
And on the other hand, there are women who want to know when they ovate because they're looking to get pregnant and often don't get it because they don't know their cycle.
The average of days between a menstrual cycle and another is 28 days. “There are women who have shorter and longer cycles, and that’s why many also have confusion with the day they ovulate,” he explains. Antonia González, director of Natural Psychofertility and embryologist.
In theory it is ovulated around the 14th of the cycle, if between rule and rule they spend 28 days. But this is only theory, because a bleeding can occur, “which we think is menstruation, and it is not really, because it has not been ovulated. Therefore, having the rule every month does not guarantee you ovules”- clarifies.
How do you know then if it is ovulated or not?
The most reliable test is to measure a hormone in the blood, progesterone. It produces the follicle that is left behind ovulation, so if there is no progesterone in blood it is that you have not ovulated.
This analysis should be done on the 21st of the cycle, if the menstrual cycle is 28 days. “In the event that the cycle is shorter or longer, then we will have to measure it 7 days before the theoretical arrival of menstruation,” the expert explains.
Since not all women have access to this analysis, or become very tedious every month to get a blood extraction, there are other ways to know.
“We can perform ovulation tests thanks to strips that detect LH hormone levels in the urine. But in the case of women who have polycystic ovary syndrome and have high LH levels in the first phase of the cycle, they can lead to error,” says the embryologist.
In that case, there is another option, the synthetic method, which in a very summary way is to measure the basal temperature and observation of typical ovulation symptoms, such as cervical mucus. Significado de emojis
The hormone that is generated after ovulation, progesterone, increases body temperature, and that is why thanks to temperature measurement every morning you can know if you have progesterone and how it will increase after ovulation. When the body detects that there has not been a pregnancy (seven days after ovulation), the progesterone will begin to go down to levels very close to zero, and that is when the endometrium (inner pipe of the uterus) will come off and menstruation will be given.
Another way to know if ovula is through vaginal ultrasounds, you can track the follicle (pocket containing the egg) and see how it grows until ovulation occurs, and check with ultrasound after it, to see that that follicle has broken and has become a luteo body (which will produce progesterone).
“There are different ways to have more information about our body, our ovulation, but what we need to be clear is that having the rule every month does not guarantee ovulation. That using an APP where it tells you the days of possible ovulation does not guarantee you anything, it is only theory and that having symptoms such as chest pain, or more vaginal discharge or punctures in the ovaries, is not enough to ensure that you are ovulating,” the expert warns.
For example, it may happen that the follicle is formed, that it grows, but that the moment of ovulation and the ballsite does not break, in that case the woman may have all the symptoms of ovulation, but in reality she has not ovulated.
On the other hand, having the rule is not a symptom of ovular, “because you can't do it and bleed,” he says. And why does this happen?, because thanks to the estrogens, in these cases the endomerium grows throughout the cycle and there comes a time that is detached by estrogenic descent and because the uterus cannot keep it anymore. “Once we have detected that we do not ovulate, it is now appropriate to look for the reasons why this phenomenon occurs. They are very varied,” he recalls.
Because the woman suffers syndrome called Polycystic Ovari Syndrome and have high LH values from the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
For one excess physical exercise, this warn the brain that it is not possible to endure pregnancy and cancel the reproductive function. And it also cancels if there is excessive and sustained stressIf there is bad food or very few calories in our nutrition. It also occurs because women have one insulin resistance. A excess fat in the organism can also annul ovulation, and an increasingly present cause, hypothyroidism.
Natural psychofertility explains everything a woman should know about her ovulation
Many women don't know things as basic as having the rule doesn't mean being ovulating. /COMUNICAE/ /COMUNICAE/
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