Natural psychofertility explains how to avoid polycystic ovary syndrome





It is caused by a hormonal disorder therefore a change of eating and habits can do miracles

Functional ovarian hyperandrogenism, best known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (POS), is a hormonal disorder caused by an alteration of ovarian function. That explains. Antonio González, embryologist and founder of Natural Psychofertilitywho further indicates that at least 2 of the 3 Rotterdam criteria should be given for diagnosis. This is:


- Hyperandrogenism: the level of male hormones in blood is so high that it translates into physical characteristics such as: hirsutism (growth of hair in male areas), acne and masculine alopecia.

- Threat o anovulatory cycles: absence of menstruation or menstrual periods every 3-4 months.

- Polycystic ovaries: in the ultrasound, at least one of the two ovaries has a volume greater than 10 cm3 and/or has 12 or more follicles of 2 to 9 mm in diameter”.

However, and although the above remains, today, science knows that there are 4 POP phenotypes and that not all cases are equal:

- SOP with classic polycystic ovary: absence of ovulation, excess male hormones and cysts in ovaries.

- SOP with non-political ovary: absence of ovulation, excess male hormones and no presence of cysts in ovaries.

- Non-classical ovulatory SOP: regular menstruations, excess male hormones and cysts in ovaries.

- mild non-classic SOP: absence of ovulation, normal levels of male hormones and cysts in ovaries.

Dr. Gonzalez stresses the importance of knowing how to recognize the phenotype suffered as he will depend on the impact at the metabolic and endocrine level.

Possible causes of POP- Although the origin of the POP is not known accurately and some studies reflect the importance of the genetic factor, it must be remembered that genes cannot be changed and, however, they can act on the environment and lifestyle.

“ In recent years it has been shown that most women carriers of SOP have insulin resistance, i.e., the body stops reacting to insulin action and cannot control blood sugar levels. The cause can be due to a high diet in sugars, the consumption of processed foods, stress, overweight, sedentarism or an alteration in microbiota (intestino)”, says the embryologist.

“On the other hand, insulin acts directly in the ovary by stimulating the production of male hormones which originates acne, hirsutism and androgenic alopecia among others.”

On other occasions, an imbalance in the thyroid gland can also be caused by the POP. Some of the symptoms that make the evaluation of the thyroid necessary are fatigue, a low body temperature, fluid retention, brittle nails, cold intolerance, hair loss, fatigue... In terms of nutrients, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamins D and A, Yodo, Magnesium, Homocysteine, Iron and Ferritine are essential for their proper functioning. Recetas faciles y rápidas

Stress, haste and bad habits at the point of view- Stress is another risk factor when talking about the possible causes of PDS. According to Dr. González: “It is common to see in consultation that many women lose their menstruation because of stress. The high emotional burden, intense exercise, weight loss and insomnia maintained over time can cause our body to stop producing sexual hormones.”

What can be done in these cases? How should life habits be changed? Something that seems so simple is one of the most complicated tasks; introducing changes in everyday life can be annoying and getting very much uphill.

That is why at this point we must remember the saying of ‘Listeme slowly that I am in a hurry’. At first you have to slow down to reach the target quickly.

You have to start by checking things that are usually done and that work to recognize and maintain them. In a second step, we must consider those habits that are not giving the expected results and that may be changed by others. Go by changing them from one to one, from the easiest to the most difficult.

The goal is to design a healthy lifestyle that works for each individual in particular, fostering conscious feeding, emotional well-being and optimal physical exercise.

Allies on the road to change to a healthy life- The embryologist explains where to start the change by following a few simple steps:

- Maintain healthy weight: Moderating the consumption of carbohydrates provides advantages in both weight loss and glucose control and therefore in improving insulin resistance.

- The intermittent fasting: This is a nutritional strategy that consists of alternating periods of eating with others of fasting allowing the body to use the stored energy. You can start dinner soon and leave the body in fast between 12-14h. This step must be done under the supervision of a professional.

- Eliminate alcohol, ultraprocessed and sugar: that will help reduce inflammation.

- Add to diet fiber-rich vegetables: fiber is also a good ally to maintain good blood sugar levels and hormones under control, in addition to favoring the intestine. All coles families such as broccoli, kale cabbage, lombard cabbage enhance the correct balance of female hormones, estrogens.

- Fruits in abundance: contain high amounts of antioxidants and polyphenols, which deal with inflammatory processes.

- Maintain Vitamin D levels: A deficiency of Vitamin D is associated with increased insulin resistance and weight gain so good medicine is sunbathing.

- Add green leaf vegetables: they are rich in folic acid, a vitamin essential in hormonal regulation.

- Do not dispense with healthy fats: avocado, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, olives, blue fish, ghee, chía seeds...All of them act as anti-inflammatory, give sensation of satiety and favor the balance of blood sugar.

- Reduce stress: is a key factor in health. The altered levels of cortisol (stress hormone) result in increased blood glucose levels, fluid retention, fatigue, depression, anxiety, swelling, excess abdominal fat... A repairing dream, meditation, yoga, mindfulness can be good allies.

Natural psychofertility explains how to avoid polycystic ovary syndrome

Natural psychofertility explains how to avoid polycystic ovary syndrome

It is caused by a hormonal disorder therefore a change of eating and habits can do miracles /COMUNICAE/ /COMUNICAE/





Natural psychofertility explains how to avoid polycystic ovary syndrome
Natural psychofertility explains how to avoid polycystic ovary syndrome

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