Natural supplements that help fulfill the purposes of 2023





The entry of the new year usually comes full of purposes to lead a healthier life. Quit smoking, playing sports, taking a balanced diet, or drinking less alcohol are some of the most common goals, but for them to become reality, Cuure scientists estimate that they will spend 66 days realizing them and it is not always easy. Some plants, with their active principles, can be of great help in this process

In addition to proposing real goals, it is important to assume how the brain works about ‘guilty pleasure’, pleasures that generate ecstasy and satisfaction, But what? in turn awaken guilt and remorse after having enjoyed them. Little addictions like sweet taste affect the system of reward of the brain, flooding the circuit dopaminethe neurotransmitter responsible for regulating emotion, motivation or pleasure.


The most common of this ‘placer culpable’ or addiction is sugar, since it increases levels dopamine, serotonin and adrenalinewhich work as antidotes of sadness and stress. In addition, they stimulate appetite and delays satiety, leading to the search for more food and raising food consumption.

Grifonia: Helps fight small addictions
To reduce these effects, scientific committee experts Cuure, company of ultrapersonalized nutritional supplements, recommends the Grifonia. This African plant contains rich seeds in 5-HTP that are transformed into serotonin, the neurotransmitter that plays an essential role in the regulation of mood, appetite and sleep. Your indication is recommended for help with the improvement of small addictions in anxious peopleas they favor relaxation. Muestras gratis y regalos

Cardo Mariano: liver protector
According to a study by the Ministry of Health, it has been revealed that 9% of the population consumes alcohol daily,being another of the most common units in Spain. Even in small quantities, alcohol consumption compels the liver to make an excess to metabolize it.

The Cardo Mariano is a plant considered ally to regenerate the liver for the Scientific Committee of Cuure. This supplement, also called wild artichoke, is known for protecting the liver and neutralizing harmful free radicals that occur when the body metabolizes alcohol. Experts have shown in various clinical trials that protects the liver from various toxins, alcohol and viral attacks. In addition, silimarin is able to regenerate this organ and bring liver indicators to normal levels.

Diet Détox and guarana to remove harmful substances from the body
The final brooch for a healthy life is to eliminate all the toxins found in the body. Therefore, it has become so popular ‘detox’, since, far from strict diets, it presents itself as a way of cleaning the body to impurities and waste which will improve the physical form.

In addition to adequate food, experts Cuure, recommend including physical exercise and consumption Guarana for its stimulant and thinning properties thanks to the caffeine as the main active ingredient. It is traditionally used to combat excess weight and facilitate loss of weight when a slimming diet is followed. It also contributes to fat metabolism, improves cognitive abilities and reduces mental fatigue.

Natural supplements that help fulfill the purposes of 2023

Natural supplements that help fulfill the purposes of 2023

The entry of the new year usually comes full of purposes to lead a healthier life. Quit smoking, playing sports, taking a balanced diet, or drinking less alcoh





Natural supplements that help fulfill the purposes of 2023
Natural supplements that help fulfill the purposes of 2023

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