Foods rich in fat and sugar that are used as a prize encourage emotional hunger in children. The first cause of emotional feeding is anxiety, followed by stress and boredom. It is important to develop the ability to listen to signs of hunger and satiety, and to identify when you are really hungry
A study conducted by The Coco, the free app that analyzes supermarket products to help families choose the healthiest foods observes that emotions encourage eating. According to the data shown by the study, the emotion that most incites to food is anxiety (49.7%), followed by stress (41.2%), boredom (36.9%), sadness (19.7%), joy (19.3%) and, finally, anger (10.3%).
In this sense, it is perceived that food and emotions are united, creating among them a complex and intense relationship that originates already in the affective link that develops during breastfeeding. Therefore, fat and sugar-rich foods should not be used as a prize or balm for children, in order to avoid generating associations that encourage emotional hunger, as nutrition experts note that when it comes to pleasing children, it is very widespread that adults use sweets, industrial jars, ultra-processed foods and sugary foods as an easy and fast resource. Before resorting to it, you have to think about what other alternatives exist to reward children and have a good time with them.
Also, one of the teams of Nutritional Coaching specialists, pioneers in Nutritional coaching that collaborates with El CoCo, affirms that the key is to learn to regulate emotional eating since small and teach them healthy eating habits that involve learning to deal with emotions with other strategies different from food to enjoy the pleasure of food in a conscious way, without using them as an emotional prize or balm
Yolanda Fleta, co-founder of Nutritional Coaching, specialist in Food Sociology and member of the International Association of Coaching (IAC), he said: “It is not that we are hungry, that we want to stop feeling certain emotions and resort to food in search of comfort and emotional balm. Surely this is familiar, and it doesn't have to be a problem. While occasional episodes of emotional hunger, they are considered part of a “normal” behavior in feeding, if repeated frequently in time, that pattern makes us increasingly more dependent, since the foods we resort to are those rich in fat and sugar, ultra-pollatable and with great addiction power.”
When the learned pattern is to resort to food, the person does not learn to face his emotions, but tries to flee them through food. What in the first place may seem like a good idea, (e.g. eating chocolate to relieve stress or boredom, becomes a problem, since not knowing self-regulating emotional hunger is one of the barriers that people claim to be unable to maintain a healthy diet and weight.
“Emotions will always be present in our lives. We have to bet on healthy habits, and teach our children to differentiate the actual hunger from the emotional, and to know how to control the urge to soothe our emotional state with foods that are usually high in sugar or fat. If we don’t, we will end up using food as a soothing in states of anxiety, stress, boredom or sadness and causing eating disorders,” he said. Bertrand Amaraggi, CEO of El CoCo. Blog sobre vibradores
In case of not being able to control these habits, specialists The Coco and Nutritional Coaching, They recommend asking experts to help cope with these situations; as well as identifying possible eating disorders caused by emotional factors. By way of advice, specialists agree on the importance of exercising and leisure activities to avoid the moments of boredom that make it look for support and solution in food. When you are hungry, what you need is to provide the body with the food you need to achieve homeostatic balance. It is important to develop the ability to listen to signs of hunger and satiety, and mainly to identify when you are really hungry.
What is Emotional Food?
Emotional hunger is considered a maladaptative food pattern in which the person eats uninhibitedly, in response to an internal signal, as their emotions are. Intake, in that case, does not seek to satisfy a real hunger, but to relieve or calm the sensations that cause some emotion.
Emotional hunger and other deadaptative behaviors are developed in response to a variety of triggering factors, from psychological stress to the endless external signals related to the food received in the environment in today's society.
About El CoCo
CoCo is a free mobile app, available on the web www.elcoco.es, App Store and Google Playwhich helps consumers understand the nutritional information of the packaging of the food products that are compared with just scanning the bar code. It is an app that detects ultraprocessed. It is an entrepreneurial project formed by a team of passionate and convinced people that it is possible to create a company that has a positive impact on society. Based on the collaborative, self-financed and 100% independent economy, it has a database of more than 250,000 products in Spain.
Consultation Manifesto of El CoCo
About Nutritional Coaching
They are the first consultancy specialized in Nutritional Coaching in the world. They work since 2008 in this new approach, helping their patients and providing training to Nutritionists and Health and Sport professionals in both Spain and Latin America. More than 1500 patients treated in their consultations and more than 15,000 students have been trained with them in Spain and Latin America in a presence and On Line mode. https://nutritionalcoaching.com/
Nutritionists of El CoCo recommend parents to “teach” their children to establish a healthy relationship with food and not resort to food as a prize
Foods rich in fat and sugar that are used as a prize encourage emotional hunger in children. The first cause of emotional feeding is anxiety, followed by stres
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