‘Prediabetes’: How can you avoid the occurrence of type 2 diabetes?, according to Cigna





The term ‘prediabetes’ is used to identify people who have higher levels of glucose than normal, but not enough to represent a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes

Non-clinical term ‘prediabetes’, also called ‘intermediate hyperglycemia’, is used to identify those whose glucose levels are higher than normal, but not enough to represent a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. In this group, patients with altered basal glucemia (GBA) and glucose intolerance (GGGGL) are included, situations which, although not considered as clinical diseases, do suppose a clinical disease. risk factor to develop type 2 diabetes. According to Diabetes Foundation, 12.6 per cent of the population – that is, about 4.8 million people – has this prediabetic condition, which can be reverse with lifestyle changes.


One of the main problems in diagnosing it is that does not usually have symptomsbeyond having an altered blood glucose level: as indicated by the World Health Organization, 100 to 125 mg/dl in fasting(as the network). Hence, diabetes can evolve quietly and without being diagnosed during some 10-12 years. On the contrary, in some isolated cases, this situation can be presented with a darkening of certain parts of the body, such as neck, armpits, elbows, knees or knuckles.

Despite the high incidence of this disease in Spain – 13.8% of Spaniards over the age of 18 have type 2 diabetes (Diabetes Foundation)- the last study of Cigna ‘360 Wellbeing Survey 2019: Well and Beyond’ shows that only 1 in 10 Spaniards are concerned about suffering this disease in the future. “It is therefore important to raise awareness of the importance of early detection and treatment of this disease before it develops, promoting changes in the lifestyle and influencing the need to take an active position in the prevention and control of our health,” he says. Isabel López Cotoruelo, Medical Director Cigna Spain. Mejores tendederos

In this regard, medical experts Cigna the guidelines that can help recover normal glucemic values:

Low diet in sugars and rich in fruits and vegetables. To reverse this risk situation, it is important to bet on a diet with a low content in refined sugars and saturated fats, rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and olive oil. It is also important to book the consumption of red meats once or twice a week, at most, and replace the rest of the weekly rations with white meat (wine cuts of pork, chicken, turkey or rabbit) and fish.

Recover the normal BMI and keep it. One of the main risk factors for developing insulin resistance is obesity and overweightpresent in more than half of the Spanish populationaccording to the last National Health Survey of the National Statistical Institute. In this case, a normal body mass index (BMI) should be sought as soon as possible and maintained at these levels.

Perform 150 minutes weekly of aerobic exercise. Physical activity increases caloric spending, help maintain cholesterol levels and, by using glucose as energy, improves tolerance to it. The ideal is to perform Exercise aerobic at least 30 minutes a day during 5 days a week. I mean, about 150 minutes a week.

Rest properly. Sleeping the necessary helps balance the circadian rhythms. If these rhythms are irregular, the metabolic rate does not work the right way and the glucose rises quickly. In addition, sleeplessness can cause a weight gain, alter food routines and produce a loss of energy, risk factors that also influence the development of diabetes.

Control stress. It has been shown that one of the consequences of chronic stress is incorrect metabolization of glucose. To reduce and control it, it is important to book time for yourself, perform exercises to relax and be able to organize and balance professional and personal obligations.

Medical supervision and control of blood pressure or cholesterol. It is important to be done regularly glucose measurement testsespecially in those overweight people over 45 years of age. It is also advisable to regularly measure blood pressure and control analysis of other cardiovascular risk factorsLike cholesterol and triglycerides.

‘Prediabetes’: How can you avoid the occurrence of type 2 diabetes?, according to Cigna

‘Prediabetes’: How can you avoid the occurrence of type 2 diabetes?, according to Cigna

The term ‘prediabetes’ is used to identify people who have higher levels of glucose than normal, but not enough to represent a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes






‘Prediabetes’: How can you avoid the occurrence of type 2 diabetes?, according to Cigna
‘Prediabetes’: How can you avoid the occurrence of type 2 diabetes?, according to Cigna

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