Producers and marketers, aligned with EU strategies, meet the most demanding standards of the international landscape to ensure the well-being of animals. They respond to the demands of consumers and to the conviction of the sector itself. Animal welfare has also become a competitive and differential factor in the European production model against third countries
La Interprofessional organization of the CowagePROVACUSE) It is firmly committed to animal welfare, within the framework of the most demanding global rules governing the European Union, and promotes good practices, not only because they are positive for livestock but also because they reassure the consumer, who is acquiring a European product with the utmost guarantees. Quality, food security, traceability, sustainability and respect for livestock are part of the priorities of cattle ranchers, cooperatives, transformative industries, marketers and exporters, which at the same time promote progressive business internationalization and employment creation in rural areas.
In this regard, the sector aligns with the “Farm strategy at table” promoted by the European Union to build a sustainable food system. “The animal welfare is part of the essential production standards in Europe. Forever, the professionals of the meat cow sector have done good practices but we have now taken the necessary steps to certify them and offer maximum transparency to the consumer”, said the president of this Agricultural Interprofessional, Eliseo Isla.
From PROVACUSEThey recall that animal welfare standards cover all fields from farms to transformation centers through transport. Meanwhile, the breeding of healthy animals and meat production are carried out in accordance with EU legislation on the prevention and control of animal diseases and biosafety measures in farms and transformation industries.
‘Commitment of Animal Welfare’
Among the sector’s committed initiatives, she highlights ‘Commitment of Animal Welfare’which is the denomination of a global pioneering certification, which endorses best practices, driven by PROVACUSE and other interprofessional meats in Spain, with the endorsement of an independent scientific committee as the coordinator. The products under the label “Compromiso Bienestar Animal” meet even more demanding requirements than those that contemplate European and national regulations on matter along the entire production chain, and include health, prophylaxis, biosafety, management and traceability issues, so that food security is strengthened. Venta de Minerales
Seal of excellence
For its part, the animal welfare seal PAWS driven by PROVACUSE has achieved excellence for the rigorous indicators, conditions and gauges of the quality of life of the animals raised, in addition to having obtained the recognition of accreditable scheme for the National Accreditation Entity (ENAC)which gives the stamp a unique objectivity, transparency, rigorousness and control in the world. This stamp culminates a period of almost three years of work to obtain the most rigorous reference in the world, which aims to objectively assess the influence of the conditions and management of a farm on the well-being of animals and their close relationship with their quality of life.
This scheme seeks to analyze, in addition to the situation of animals, its entire environment globally. “With this holistic approach, numerous farm welfare indicators have been selected using descriptive variables of the environment, the production and behavior of animals. The assessment continues with the exhaustive follow-up on how pre-sacrifice operations are carried out and the proper accomplishment of the same,” says the president.
From this point on, the scheme contemplates the transmission of information of the conditions of management of the animals continues with a control of traceability of the product in the industries. “This Reference is the most complete technically, seriously, objective and rigorous in the world and its certification scheme can be requested by the certification entities for evaluation purposes accredited by ENAC, which provides the highest national and international credibility to the certification process”, he values Island.
“We will take all the steps to aim for a sustainable European production method framed by EU strategies ‘Green Pact’ and ‘From the farm to the table’, because we are committed to the sector, to the environment and consumers,” they conclude from PROVACUSE.
About us
The Interprofessional Agro-Food Organization of the Carne de Vacuno is a private, non-profit and national entity, composed of the main organizations of the production sector and the sector of the transformation/marketing for the defense of the interests of the meat sector, meeting place and discussion forum for the improvement of the situation of the sectoral food chain. Among its activities, PROVACUNO is currently immersed in the development of the information campaign “Make yourself a cowboy” together with its three-year APAQ-VLAAM counterpart from Belgium (2020-2023), to strengthen the competitiveness of the European sector, with information activities in Germany, Belgium, Portugal and France, in addition to in Spain.
Provacuno promotes the most demanding animal welfare standards of the Planet in meat buffer
Producers and marketers, aligned with EU strategies, meet the most demanding standards of the international landscape to ensure the well-being of animals. They
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