Which is the Best Home Remedy for Zits?
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i find the following helps my spots especially for cobination skin (oily t zone but dry cheeks!)
every morning i wash with baby soap, rinse off then fill skink with lukewarm water and add lemon juice and rinse face a couple times and pat dry (smells fresh aswell!). every evening wash with baby soap again but this time apply lemon juice directly on to face using cotton wool concentrating on spotty area and leave on over night. do this everyday. once or twice a week in evening wash face using baby soap but add some white sugar into hand.this will act as a scrub and take off old skin cells. then grate a raw potato and mash it into a paste, add teaspoon of honey and put on entire face as a mask and leave for half hour to an hour. wash off using warm water only. honey has a natural antiseptic agent in it which will clean out spots and kill bacteria on face.
i always use aloe vera gel mixed with witch hazel as a face wash type of thing to keep the zits from coming…just dab it all over your face leave it for a minute and rinse it off…won't do much for getting rid of zits but it helps prevent them >.< lotsaluv >.<
Acne and bacteria on your face go hand in hand. Get rid of the bacteria and you get rid of the acne. Manuka honey from New Zealand with an activity of +15 will kill the bacteria, even that under the skin deep in you pores. Bacteria gone, acne gone. You can use the regular products or drugs that will dry the skin or have some side effect that are worse than the acne, or use a safe product that tastes good and has a lot of other good uses when your skin is health. Works well to keep away wrinkles too. If you do make it to a dermatologist let him or her know about this honey, since there is not much in it for them don't expect them to push it though.
I like this article! Will come again next time for sure, thank again
i’ll give that a try
i find the following helps my spots especially for cobination skin (oily t zone but dry cheeks!)
every morning i wash with baby soap, rinse off then fill skink with lukewarm water and add lemon juice and rinse face a couple times and pat dry (smells fresh aswell!). every evening wash with baby soap again but this time apply lemon juice directly on to face using cotton wool concentrating on spotty area and leave on over night. do this everyday. once or twice a week in evening wash face using baby soap but add some white sugar into hand.this will act as a scrub and take off old skin cells. then grate a raw potato and mash it into a paste, add teaspoon of honey and put on entire face as a mask and leave for half hour to an hour. wash off using warm water only. honey has a natural antiseptic agent in it which will clean out spots and kill bacteria on face.
i always use aloe vera gel mixed with witch hazel as a face wash type of thing to keep the zits from coming…just dab it all over your face leave it for a minute and rinse it off…won't do much for getting rid of zits but it helps prevent them >.< lotsaluv >.<
Acne and bacteria on your face go hand in hand. Get rid of the bacteria and you get rid of the acne. Manuka honey from New Zealand with an activity of +15 will kill the bacteria, even that under the skin deep in you pores. Bacteria gone, acne gone. You can use the regular products or drugs that will dry the skin or have some side effect that are worse than the acne, or use a safe product that tastes good and has a lot of other good uses when your skin is health. Works well to keep away wrinkles too. If you do make it to a dermatologist let him or her know about this honey, since there is not much in it for them don't expect them to push it though.
I like this article! Will come again next time for sure, thank again
i’ll give that a try
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Best Home Remedies for Zits
If you have tried any zits remedy and you know what works and what doesn’t, Please share here… Which is the Best Home Remedy for Zits? Which is the Best Ho
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