Recipe Grandma's Boils Baked with Evelia Ma




Granny Bought in the oven with Evelia Ma - ingredients

  • 100 Grs. Sunflower oil
  • 2 small or 1 large limes
  • 3 Eggs
  • 130 Grs. Sugar (we set 100 grs)
  • 500 Grs. Pastry flour
  • Anis or matalauva to taste
  • Grounded cinnamon (optional)
  • Sunflower oil to fry if they do not want to be made in the oven.

Granny Bought in the oven with Evelia Ma - Preparation

To start we heat the oil with lemon peel, when boiling we remove from the fire and let cool.

In the thermomix we schedule it 3 minutes, 100o, turn left and speed spoon. We pulled the glass out of the cooling machine.


Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1

When the oil is cold, we remove the lemon peel, add the eggs and sugar and mix well. In the thermomix we schedule 40 seconds at speed 4.

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Then we added lemon zest. .

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... the anise and the flour gradually and we're going to love.

In the thermomix we make it schedule 1 minute, glass closed, speed spike. Angelic Numerology from 851 to 875

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Once we're ready to take the dough out to a bowl with a little flour so it doesn't stick.

At this point if we are to prepare them in the oven we put it to preheat to 180° with heat up and down.

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We formed the buns making a rule first and then gluing the creams.

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If we want them fried, we fry them in abundant hot oil.

If we're going to bake them in the tray at a medium-low height for about 15-20 minutes, it will depend on the oven.

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When we see that they're golden, we take them off and we'll pass them to a bowl with a cloth until they cool.

Recipe Grandma's Boils Baked with Evelia Ma

Granny Bought in the oven with Evelia Ma - ingredients100 Grs. Sunflower oil2 small or 1 large limes3 Eggs130 Grs. Sugar (we set 100 grs)500 Grs. Pastry flourA





Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1
Recipe grandmas boils baked with evelia ma 1

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