The College has edited a new video advice to inform citizens about the types of constipation, some alarm signs and recommendations to prevent it, stressing that it is necessary to go to the doctor when the person takes more than a week without making any depositions.
You can see the COFG video rabbit by clicking on the following link: https://bit.ly/videoconsejoCOFGestñimiento
A person with inappropriate living habits, with health problems, pharmacological treatment with certain medications, or through a stress situation, is highly likely to have an alteration in the intestinal habit as constipation.
In order to report on this and explain some aspects related to it, the Gipuzkoa Official Pharmaceutical College (COFG) has edited a new video council in which it reports the difference between the constipation acute or occasional when the duration is less than 6 weeks (before stress or as a result of a trip), and constipation Chronic, when extended for at least 12 weeks (not necessarily consecutive for the previous 12 months).
The Guinean pharmacist Lierni Mendiaraz also details some “alarm indicators”, as they are: Guias y Trucos tecnologicos
If it occurs in infants, children or pregnant women.
If it is of abrupt beginning or suffers significant modifications in its evolution.
If associated with unjustified weight loss.
If feces are accompanied by blood or black.
If there is also intense abdominal pain, vomiting and/or fever.
If it relates to taking drugs that may cause it.
If it persists despite previous recommendations.
“In any case, the doctor should be referred to when the patient has spent more than a week without making any deposition,” he says.
As for the recommendations to prevent constipation, since COFG recall the importance of follow a fiber-rich diet, equivalent to 2-3 pieces of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables a day. They also recommend perform physical exercise on a regular basis“it can be enough with walking between 30 and 60 minutes a day, but the most recommended aerobic activities are swimming or riding a bike,” they point.
Of course, it's very important. adopt appropriate habits like, for example, go to the bathroom whenever you feel the desire. It is also highly recommended abundant liquid drink (It is advisable to eat a minimum of two liters a day in the form of water, fruit juices or vegetable broths).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyXIrUkWGbw fakefeature=youtu.be
Recommendations of the Gipuzkoa Pharmaceutical College to identify and prevent constipation
The College has edited a new video advice to inform citizens about the types of constipation, some alarm signs and recommendations to prevent it, stressing tha
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