In the last 24 hours the number of coronavirus patients has risen to 9,200, which implies an increase of more than 1,500 cases regarding yesterday Sunday. Of these, more than 50% are serious cases; more than 300 people have died, and the good news is that more than 500 have passed the disease and have already been discharged.
Beyond the coldness of the numbers, the Covid-19 has changed everyone's daily routine, and will continue to do so for the next 15 days, following the decree, by the Spanish executive, of the State of Alarm in Spain last Saturday, the term that the government has already advanced will be extended - This new situation compels all and all to an act of solidarity, coherence and civic responsibility unprecedented. Noticias sobre futbol y del Cadiz
Although this effort will only be effective, as stated today by the Minister of Transport, José Luís Ábalos in his appearance with the media, “...with responsibility and acting in accordance with the requirements of the health authorities, not banalizing or frivolizing the situation, and being united with the pandemic...”.
The requirements referred to by Ábalos are collected in the last recommendations facilitated by General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Governmentin which, although already known by all, the online medical platform SmartSalus He wants to insist:
Invalid request: request (3345) exceeds text limit (2000)SmartSalus: Solidarity and Citizen Responsibility. The best recipe to stop the increase of Coronavirus
In the last 24 hours the number of coronavirus patients has risen to 9,200, which implies an increase of more than 1,500 cases regarding yesterday Sunday. Of t
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