Its particular strength, acquired in a long migratory journey of more than 1,000 kilometers, along with a sibarita diet based on seafood and herrings, makes the meat of the Skrei firmer and juicy, has less fat and an impossible texture to find in other cods
The shave Skreialso known as “nomadic fish” o “fish of love”, arrives Valentine's Day. Director in Spain Norwegian Sea Products Council (NSC), Bjørn-Erik Stabellaccompanied by Ambassador of Norway in Spain, Nils Haugstveit, presented today at the restaurant “Lonja del Mar“the landing” of the “King of cods” in our country, its main market and where the quality seal that identifies it has acquired a very relevant position.
The Norwegian Sea Products Council has valued the positive evolution in the marketing of this premium fish, which has also exhibited all its gastronomic versatility thanks to a tasting, prepared for the occasion by chefs “Lonja del Mar” Fernando Negri and David González. The product has shined with its own light. Not in vain, it is “the best cod in the world”.
Available only in winter, Skrei fresh has become one of the most sought after and appreciated Norwegian exports chefs from the most exclusive restaurants in the world. The Skrei is also the only sea product of the entire planet that has a self quality control unit that works during the season to ensure that it retains all its qualities from the sea to the table.
“The Skrei from the world's largest cod population and is one of the fish species more sustainable that can be consumed while, its distinctive flavor, has validated its fame of gastronomic delicacy in many places of the world. The Skrei is rich in proteins, vitamins or minerals and one of the marine species with less fat content,” he recalled Bjørn-Erik Stabell, after highlighting the boom in the Spanish market.
“Exports of Skrei they have stood firm in a changing environment like the one we are living,” he said. Stabell. If considered both fresh cod and Skrei with quality seal, Spain imported (directly from Norway) 2,352 tons during the last season (from January to April 2021), as explained Stabell, and 53% of that amount had the label Skrei (1,239 tons). The volume of Skrei the last season was very similar to that achieved in 2020, when a historic peak was achieved (35% more than in 2019). In value, taking into account both fresh cod and Skrei, reached 8.6 million euros in 2021 and that of direct exports (not counting those arriving via Denmark), exclusively from Skrei a Spain in 2021 was 4,8 million euros.
The director of Norwegian Sea Products Council (NSC) he recalled that 2021 was marked by the effects of the pandemic, with many restaurant closures - where more than 50% of the pandemic is traditionally consumed Skrei- but demand in homes has taken off and forecasts in both segments will be “very positive” in 2022.
“The Spanish consumers have shown that they are willing to take the fresh cod to their homes and eat it with their families. I think this new way of consuming Skrei at home will also result in significant growth this year”, the director has advanced.
“In general, and in addition to all species, Spain is one of five countries with the highest growth in importing fish from Norway and is the seventh market that is relevant to Norway,” he said. Ambassador of Norway, Nils Haugstveit. “We are the second largest exporter of fish and seafood in the world, which are rising in more than 150 countries. More than 37 million meals made with Norwegian sea products are consumed every day around the world (1.3 million, only in Spain)”, added the Ambassador. Recetas de Postres peruanos
Skrei, the “atleta” of the seas: a gastronomic pleasure
This Norwegian cod gourmet, wild and seasonal is one of the main Norwegian export products since the time of the Vikings and main food source for 10,000 years for the coastal populations.
The Skrei of Norway is the world's healthiest, strongest cod, which is captured when it migrates from Sea of Barents, characterized by its frigid and crystal clear waters, to its spawning areas on the north coast of Norway, where it was born (especially in front of the islands of Lofoten and Vesterålen). When he arrives, the Skrei He's practically an elite sportsman. You can appreciate the difference in the musculature, which makes the texture insurmountable More than 1,000 kilometres counter-current!
His particular strength, acquired in his long migratory journey, together with a sibarita diet based on seafood and herrings, makes the meat of the Skrei be firmer and juicy, have less fat and an impossible texture to find in other cods. And he arrives in Spain, as every year, for a limited time (the fishing campaign lasts only until April) coinciding with Valentine's Day. It is the authentic Norwegian “black duck”.
“The journey of more than 1,000 kilometres across the road makes him strengthen his musculature. The Skrei is a gastronomic excellence that we can only enjoy from January to April. The texture is fGo and have little fat. And her meat is white, firm and juicy with an intense flavor, due in part, also to its exquisite food , has emphasized the chef Fernando Negri (Lonja del Mar). “In addition, it has a exceptional quality seal which guarantees consumers that it is a unique specimen that meets demanding quality standards,” he adds Negri.
“By cooking it opens in the nuts, making it a real gastronomic pleasure and one of the most demanded products in the cuisines of the most prestigious chefs. It's one of the particularities that make Skrei a unique, distinctive and delicious species. How to prepare it? The forms are almost infinite. In the oven, on the iron, in casserole, encebollado or with different sauces of all life, together with some rich verduritas or potatoes.... Few fish are so versatile and grateful,” added the chef David González.
In today’s gastronomic event, recipes have been prepared as suggestive and attractive as well as “The Skrei dresses in red,” “Al Skrei loves to swim,” “The tradition rules”, “Del Mar a la orerta”, “El Skrei with apple and clay”, “Buñuelos de Skrei” and “Arroz meloso with Skrei”.
Quality seal
The Norwegian Sea Products Council has created an innovative quality seal for the Skrei, so that consumers and restaurants can easily find. As an additional security measure, there is even one Skrei patrol which is dedicated to carrying out controls at the springs and export centers of Norway and abroad.
This demanding “Skrei stamp” guarantees that it is a cod of more than 3Kg, that it is cleaned and eviscera the same day of its capture, that between fishing and its packaging for shipping have not been more than 12 hours, which is refrigerated between 0o C – 2o C throughout the value chain, which is labeled with a maximum useful life 12 days from the date of packaging and that has been fished between 1 January to 30 April Skrei in a controlled and sustainable way, added the director in Spain of Norwegian Sea Products Council (NSC).
Spain is consolidated as the main world market for the Skrei, the “Rey de los codos”
Its particular strength, acquired in a long migratory journey of more than 1,000 kilometers, along with a sibarita diet based on seafood and herrings, makes th
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