Vegetable stir-fries work great at home.Many times we have little time to cook, even to eat, but if we organize ourselvesFinally, we will avoid resorting to pre-cooked foods, unhealthy and verysimo maIt's expensive than the food we prepare at home.
This broth stir-frycoli and beansThe curry is an example of a healthy, tasty dish that is prepared in a few minutes with a smallto planningno.In my case, on weekends, especially on Sunday, I cook in the pot ráask for the legumes (usually I put a pot with beansace and another with chickpeas).no yearI add no salt or oil, just a bay leaf.with the brocoli and cauliflower I do the same: I cook them and thens, when they are tempered, container and in the fridgefico.And I always have vegetable broth in the fridge (you can see the recipe here).Throughout the week I have for stir-fries, salads, spoon dishes...In this blog you can see some of those recipes.You can search for them by ingredients, by type of cuisine or by category.ace.
To cook this recipe for two people you will needs:
–half a bouquet of brocooked coli;
–120 gr of beansas pints cooked;
–a small onionto;
–one medium ripe tomato, grated;
–ground white pepper;
–Ground ginger;
–10 ml of soft extra virgin olive oil or sunflower;
–200 ml of vegetable broth or water;
–salt. a pann wide, very hot, pour the extra virgin olive oil, addadd the onion cut into small diceand a little salt.Sauté over medium heat until the onion begins to become transparent.At that time, pour the grated tomato.Sprinkle some ground pepper and let the tomato cook for a few minutes. Todos sobre el antiguo egipto
2nd.yearade el brocooked coli and beansso cookedSaute a couple of minutes over medium/high heat.yearadd the salt and spices and stir well to integrate all the flavors.
3rd.continuedn, pour the vegetable broth like this to give it mores flavor and boil for three minutes.Serve alone or accompanyrice or pasta.
This recipe isFull of healthy nutrients, it's low in fat and sodium, and it has that rich oriental flavor that the spices give it.and instead ofuse coconut milk we use vegetable broth.Sowe saved a lotvery little saturated fat (of every 100 ml of soy milk, 91% are saturated fat) and we do not give up a delicious taste.In additions, you have it ready in less than 20 minutes.whatThatmorecan you ask?Come on, cheer up and give the poor bro a chancecoli.ohI'll seeis thatrich!
¿Do you know our Facebook group?Cook with or without Thermomix”?booPut it in the Facebook magnifying glass orclick hereand uJoin the El volivo rojo community.Janhe will be ables share healthy and delicious recipes for the whole family 😉
Broccoli and Bean Curry Stir-Fry
Vegetable stir-fries work great at home.Many times we have little time to cook, even to eat, but if we organize ourselves minimally ev
Stir-fried broccoli and bean curry
Vegetable stir-fries work great at home.Many times we have little time to cook, even to eat, but if we organize ourselvesFinally, we will avoid resorting to pr
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