The economic, social and environmental sustainability of swine activity and its territorial vertebration generates wealth, employment, added value cares for and respects biodiversity, heritage and respects resources. PURITERMIA, developed by ISBRAN, is an efficient energy bet that meets the challenges, demands, best techniques available MTD ́s and emission reduction. This energy alternative is efficient, sustainable and profitable. Informa EKMB
Spanish porcine has become one of the most powerful industries in Spain for its generation of wealth, employment or added value by contributing to vertebrate the territory and giving a circular approach to bioeconomy. It guarantees, therefore, the triple sustainability, as well as the highest quality of the products and the maximum animal welfare. Porcine activity synergizes the economy by promoting economic development, provides opportunities and employment to the population, preserves the environment and sustainability, gives life to rural areas fighting against depopulation, respects, preserves and cares for the territory, its biodiversity, its inherent resources and natural, cultural and intangible heritage. In terms of employment, the production, industrial and commercial activity of the Spanish pig holds 300,000 direct jobs and more than 1 million indirectly.
European regulations are very demanding in environmental matters and require a firm commitment, the production model of porcine implanted in Spain is one of the most advanced and demanding in the world because it not only depends on the type of production (extensive or intensive) but on the quality of production and animal health. Until recently, the performance of industrial porcine cattle ranching was measured by its productive efficiency, food conversion, mortality, daily weight gain and other technical parameters. Compliance and responsibility are currently required with the environment in which it is inserted and with which it relates, so sustainability and the degree of suitability with the social, environmental, animal and business environment is indispensable
The Spanish porcine sector has been applying new precision feeding technologies and management practices for years that increase animal quality of life. One example is CONFORTERMIA, an efficient sustainable air conditioning system that drops the temperature to 22oC – 26oC in summer in maternity areas, so that mothers do not suffer from thermal stress and, at the same time, keep the heat on the heating plates to 37oC during the first weeks in which the pigeon needs that temperature. It reduces heat stress, improves its diet and therefore its milk production improves and consequently the weight of the litter. All installations with Porcina Geothermalthermal either with PURITERMIA or Horizontal Geothermaltermia can be adapted to provide CONFORTERMIA. Todo sobre salud dental
According to Bruno Jiménez, manager of ISBRAN, the main benefits of CONFORTERMIA are the improvement of animal well-being and, consequently, animal health because they emit less purines, breathe a higher quality air, the spread of viruses and other diseases is significantly reduced and animal stress is lower; a notable energy saving of the consumption in ventilation and also of the contracted power and a porcine production of greater quality with water consumption and thermal feed. CONFORTERMIA is a sustainable and efficient air conditioning system that complies with regulations and benefits both livestock, animals and the environment itself.
The CONFORTERMIA offered by ISBRAN on the farms of mothers and weaning is based on the Porcine Geothermal. At present, Geothermal installations are performed with horizontal capture and whenever possible when the farm is built or the ships are expanded. Take advantage of the cold water circuit by providing the necessary cooling in the atmosphere of the rooms, an air conditioning and an energy efficiency that impacts on animal health, energy savings and comfort temperatures to mothers (15-20 °C) reducing their mortality during heat strokes or high temperatures.
Innovation in this sector requires an integral vision and must be given from the four pillars that sustain animal production: management and facilities, genetics, health and nutrition. In porcine there are high-value intangibles that generate wealth and jobs in rural areas, the link with the environment, animal welfare, sustainability and the contribution of a safe meat, of excellent quality, with a strong investment in R+D+i both in production and in industry.
ISBRAN: Spanish pioneer in geothermal energy dedicated to the porcine sector, and specialized in providing air conditioning systems to maternity and transition farms. ISBRAN offers an innovative solution for efficient air conditioning to the swine farms that facilitates energy consumption and comfortability for the pigs and pigs by providing less energy dependence and a great help in decarbonization for the least use of energy.
Sustainability to the territorial vertebration of the porcine sector
The economic, social and environmental sustainability of swine activity and its territorial vertebration generates wealth, employment, added value cares for an
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