The team led by Javier Padrón and formed by Daniel de la Pedraja, Alberto Padrón, Jon Larrazabal and Pedro Pombo, renews the title in a competition marked by difficult weather conditions
The boat sponsored by NeWind Foods, the Spanish brand pioneer in the production of 100% vegetable protein products, wins the Spanish Cup J80 sailing held last weekend in Santander.
The ship led by Javier Padrón and the team formed by Daniel de la Pedraja, Alberto Padrón, Jon Larrazabal and Pedro Pombo has joined the first place in a race marked by the wind, thus renewing the title achieved last year.
A competition that has been very tight, where more than 20 boats have competed for the podium in the XV edition of one of the most important championships in Spain.
The news has been received from NeWind Foods “the enthusiasm that produces to see how the team effort and a well done work bears its fruit. A mantra that we feel very identified, that we grow daily in the company and that it is reporting very good results”, in the words of Juan Lizariturry, Counsellor of the company.
100% vegetable protein products
NeWind Foods, which has just completed its first year of market launch, has managed to position itself as a benchmark in the food field specialized in products made from plant protein, thanks to its plant-based proposal. Pirateking Ver anime gratis online
A food commitment that the brand moves beyond the vegan public and also focuses on all those interested in reducing the consumption of meat products, without renouncing the quality and taste of a 100% vegetable product produced with peas protein, soy and wheat, flavored with chicken and vacuno.
A total of six varieties that maintain all the texture and flavor characteristic of the animal protein, from a frozen product, without preservatives, or artificial dyes, offering the consumer a high quality food alternative, while contributing to a greater balance between the human being and nature.
In its commitment to sustainable development, NeWind Foods has adopted a philosophy aimed at preserving the environment, implementing a series of actions in the production chain, such as the use of electricity from 100% renewable sources, the circular management of waste or the use of recycled materials for its packaging and packaging.
Note to the editor
NeWind Foods, a Spanish pioneer in the production of 100% vegetable protein products, originates in 2021.
Since its inception it has the support of Aviko, a European leader in global solutions in the market of products derived from the potato, and Eurofrits, a Spanish company in the manufacture of frozen pre-cooked products for large food surfaces in Spain, as well as Europe and the rest of the world.
The company has its own production plant in Burgos, where it produces all its products and currently employs 160 professionals.
The boat sponsored by NeWind Foods wins the Spanish Sailing Cup for the second consecutive year
The team led by Javier Padrón and formed by Daniel de la Pedraja, Alberto Padrón, Jon Larrazabal and Pedro Pombo, renews the title in a competition marked by
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