Quality and traceability guaranteed from origin and an ever more efficient, sustainable and safe production characterize a sector that walks firmly towards its climate neutrality, according to PROVACUNO
Quality, traceability from origin, food security and commitment to the environment and animal well-being are in the DNA of the policies of the Carne Vaccine sector for the next few years, forming part of its agenda or priority “road map” until 2050. This was explained by the director of the Interprofessional Organisation of the Carne de Vacuno (PROVACUNO), Javier López, who recalls the maximum commitment of all operators to the strategy “From the farm to the table” (Farm to fork) driven by the EU.
The Strategy “from the farm to the table”that is in the heart of European Green To ensure that food systems are healthy and sustainable, it wants to achieve a neutral or positive environmental impact, help mitigate climate change, reverse biodiversity loss, ensure food security, nutrition, public health and food affordability.
“We have taken giant steps and are in a position to ensure that we will be able to meet the great goals that the European Union and the industry itself have set in support of the environment and consumers, without forgetting that a more sustainable system will also be a more competitive sector in the foreign markets,” said the director.
PROVACUSE has participated in the input of ideas, debates and conclusions, within the framework of Food Systems Summit of the UN. A forum of exception that can be used to transfer the commitments of the sector and to value the work of all the links of the chain, as well as its necessary protection, if we want to ensure a “sustainable, resilient and balanced” food system.
“We promote balanced consumption of food within a varied diet, based on the recommendations established by the health authorities, together with an active lifestyle and healthy habits,” she emphasizes PROVACUSE. “We defend the production of environmentally sustainable foods that keep the rural environment alive; but, at the same time, we remember that these must be affordable and with all guarantees for the consumer,” they say.
The commitments of the livestock and meat sector materialize in an important increase in efficiency in the production models and a continued contribution to sustainability and animal welfare, to the circular economy with the use of stiércols for organic agriculture, and to the lower generation of food waste in which the cow is virtually zero, which is determining to reduce its water and energy footprint.
According to data Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, the sector of the Carne de Vacuno in Spain represents 3.6% of the total emissions of greenhouse gases, a figure that will be gradually reduced thanks in much of the modification of the management and feeding systems, although there are wide possibilities of also increasing carbon sequestration by improving the pastures. However, 80% of all GHGs generated by livestock worldwide come from developing countries (FAO, 2017). Noticias de la Sierra de Cadiz
Among other milestones, meat-bearing producers have managed to reduce emissions associated with sewage by 18%. Currently, they work on the European program "Life Beef Carbon» to reduce at least 15% greenhouse gas emissions in the next ten years. And among the most ambitious initiatives, PROVACUSE has promoted Code Good Environmental Practiceswhich will help the sector achieve climate neutrality in 2050, a goal that will “mark one before and one after, because it will be a historic milestone, aligned with the big strategies driven by the EU.”
In any case, the sector wants to underline its large positive contributions, sometimes unfamiliar or recognized by society. And it's just that he The maintenance of livestock in rural areas and the use of pastures generates a wide range of ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, water retention and recharge of aquifers, erosion control and biodiversity conservation. “50 per cent of the fertilizers used in the world are of animal origin, in the form of pastures or in the form of manure applied in crops, and are fundamental to reducing the use of chemical alternatives in agriculture, he adds PROVACUSE. Strands improve soil structure, nutrients and their ability to adapt to climate change.
Likewise, the Fire prevention is another of the essential activities carried out by extensive livestock, which is the predominant model in dehesas and mountain areas, to contribute to the mitigation of climate change and the maintenance of rural biodiversity and ecosystems. La diversity of races and Protected geographical indications are other reasons to bet on European livestock and European production methods, so different from those that govern in third countries with serious environmental impacts.
In Spain, the sector is configured by 115,000 farms, 5.8 million heads, 238 industries and 677,300 tons produced annually worth more than 3 billion euros. It also provides 132,000 direct jobs in disadvantaged areas with negative population balance and without major development alternatives, located in autonomous communities such as Castilla y León, Galicia, Extremadura, Catalonia, Castilla y León, Cantabria or Madrid, among others.
La Asociación Interprofesional Agroalimentaria de la Carne de Vacuno it is a private, non-profit and national entity, composed of the main organizations of the production sector and of the transformation/marketing sector for the defense of the interests of the meat sector, meeting place and discussion forum for the improvement of the situation of the sectoral food chain. Among its activities, PROVACUNO is currently immersed in the development of the information campaign “Make yourself a cowboy”, together with its three-year APAQ-VLAAM counterpart from Belgium (2020-2023), to strengthen the competitiveness of the European sector, with information activities in Germany, Belgium, Portugal and France, in addition to in Spain.
The Carne Vaccine sector reinforces its commitments to the consumer and the environment
Quality and traceability guaranteed from origin and an ever more efficient, sustainable and safe production characterize a sector that walks firmly towards its
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