Sustainable Food and Citizen Art programs are strengthened to accelerate change processes and generate greater transformation in the environment. The Foundation, aware of the unique place it occupies to hear and understand the changes that are happening, seeks to help gather the learnings, spread them and empower all people committed to the future of the planet and society
La Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation has announced its new 2019-2023 Strategy, whose purpose is to strengthen the impact achieved by the two lines of action of the entity: Sustainable Food and Citizen Art, to accelerate social transformation.
The 2019-2023 Strategy is the result of the analysis carried out during the year 2018 by this Foundation (created in 2010 and with a presence in Spain and France) on the work done since its inception, in order to specify its theory of social, cultural and environmental change to better respond to the recent evolution of contemporary challenges.
Its plan of action for the next five years, developed from research carried out throughout 2018 with many external experts and experts, has adapted to the evolution of society with the aim of applying increasingly transdisciplinary and collaborative, open and shared solutions.
“After a year of reflection on our activity we face this new stage with the maximum motivation, as a new impulse to continue, to the extent of our possibilities, discovering, supporting, accompanying and connecting those who dare to look and build a more egalitarian and sustainable society to accelerate a systemic change,” said Isabelle Le Galo Flores, director for Spain of the Daniel Foundation and Nina Carasso.
In the framework of its new strategy, the Foundation considers it essential to keep at the heart of its action all those bold, mobilizing, committed, etc. that, by their ideas, their knowledge and their experiences, achieve progress in societies in the field of Sustainable Food and Citizen Art. They will have a range of services and tools that will enable them to develop, measure and replicate their action. To this end, the work will focus not only on financing, but also on accompanying, empowering and connecting them with each other to make the most of their experiences and learnings. It will also assume greater responsibility as an organization in the dissemination of such learnings to the media and decision makers, with these two key areas leading to social change. Blog para amantes del chocolate
To nurture the ecosystems of its two major areas of action, the Daniel Foundation and Nina Carasso launched new project calls in March 2019. The ‘Sustainable Food’ Program has focused on projects related to ‘Shared Workers for a Sustainable Food System’, while the ‘Citizen Art’ Program has focused on initiatives related to ‘Compose Knowledge to Understand Contemporary Challenges’. The calls were completed in May, and are currently under selection. Next September the beneficiary structures of the projects will be announced.
Impulsors of philanthropy
The Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation also wants to contribute to the development and structuring of the philanthropy actors in France, Spain and the international arena. Thus, it has defined its scope in three areas: through its participation in foundation networks, in the structural support of the sector, and in its commitment through research. In March 2019 the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation joined the European Foundation Center (EFC), the network that promotes, defends and connects the European philanthropy.
Lever to activate change
The new strategy of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation aims to analyze and understand the levers to activate and accelerate social change and its interactions with its two major lines of action. Thus, Sustainable Food is committed to sharing the systemic vision of the intrinsic links between social, environmental and economic sustainability of food systems in a context of resource shortages and multiple and structural crises, also emphasizing the importance of the diversity of solutions.
Thus, shift levers focus on a commitment to universal access to a healthy and respectful diet with people and ecosystems,
through the dissemination of this vision; the promotion of food democracy and innovations in the territories; and the acceleration of the transition to agroecology and sustainable food regimes.
For its part, the Foundation understands Citizen Art as an engine of citizenship to develop a sensitive and critical look on the world and strengthen the cohesion of society, always with the utmost respect for diversity. The levers of change in Citizen Art focus on placing artistic education at the heart of education in schools and throughout life; promoting dialogues between the different disciplines of art and science; and reinforcing the role of the artist engaged in society.
The Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation reinforces its social impact with the new 2019-2023 Strategy
Sustainable Food and Citizen Art programs are strengthened to accelerate change processes and generate greater transformation in the environment. The Foundatio
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