The Let's Talk About Pork From Europe campaign presents #Best selection to enjoy football accompanied by white-layered pork meat, a quality and ideal food in a healthy lifestyle. Different actions on television and digital will explain to consumers why the European model of porcine production is the largest animal welfare, sustainability and food security in the world
The best football games of the season come. And what better way than to live in company and in happy stomach? The campaign Let's Talk About Pork From Europe is blown during the Euro Cup to explain the rigorous European model of porcine production based on the highest standards of animal welfare, sustainability and food security that result in white-layered pork with the highest quality in the world.
During his second year of campaign, Let's Talk About Pork From Europe focuses its actions on television and digital in the framework of the football competition that most audience will gather in this 2021. Your goal is to amplify coverage and generate notoriety in an intergenerational target to be presented # The Best Selection, eleven winner of appetizers with white-layered pork to accompany the meetings of Spain and the rest of the games which will be disputed until July 11.
In this way, the pig sector unites its demanding production model to a healthy and balanced diet within a sport-based lifestyle and the Mediterranean Diet. Not in vain, pork is a food that stands out for its high nutritional density that offers multiple benefits, with a wide variety of lean cuts whose consumption recommend the expert between 3 and 4 rations per week.
A 20-second spot during the main games
The campaign will have a global approach with a main axis: a 20-second television spot duration will be positioned in the moments prior to the matches of the Spanish Teamas well as in the decisive meetings of the eighth, fourth, semifinals and in the great final of the Euro Cup. >Canastillas Bebe Gratis ¿Cómo se consiguen? ¿VERDAD O ENGAÑO?
Plus, Let's Talk About Pork From Europe will amplify digital actions to focus on the target of Spaniards from 18 to 30 yearsto those who will explain the rigorous European model of porcine production which results in the highest quality pork meat of the market, fundamental food within an active, sports and healthy lifestyle as differential arguments at the time of the purchase decision.
To do so, will make use of different audiovisual pieces in TikTokthe largest social network engagement among Spanish youth; Twitch, the first big platform streaming for gamerse Instagramthe social network of foodies. All this supported through 55 featured influencers and actions in programmatic, on demand and Spotify.
Campaign Let't Talk About Pork From Europe
The campaign Let's Talk About Pork From Europe provides useful and truthful information through the voice of all the parties involved in the production of pork in Europe. The programme, which is funded by the European Commission, also involves consumers who can resolve their doubts about the model of pork production in Europe through the website letstalkabouteupork.com and social profiles of Twitter (@TalkAboutEuPork) and Instagram (@letstalkabouteupork_es).
INTERPORC is the Interprofessional Food and Agriculture Organization of the Porcino de Capa Blanca, recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and has among its objectives to enhance the image of the porcine sector of Capa Blanca to Spanish society.
INTERPORC is a private, national-level organization formed by organizations of the production, transformation and marketing of the white-layered pig sector.
The European bacon sector joins sports, health and pork during the Euro Cup
The Let's Talk About Pork From Europe campaign presents #Best selection to enjoy football accompanied by white-layered pork meat, a quality and ideal food in a
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