Balanced food is one of the essential aspects for a healthy and active life. When it comes to the elders, special attention should be paid. At Matacàs Residence taking a healthy diet becomes more than a recommendation, a need
Older people not only have special needs in nutrition, but are chronically malnourished in a significant percentage, as an alert to a study by the General Council of Pharmaceutical Colleges, which states that 22.1 per cent of Spaniards over 65 years of age present some problem in this regard.
Therefore, it is vital to know the specific food needs of each person during this stage of life; meeting the needs it is possible to help maintain an active and healthy ageing. Both older persons, and those around them (family, family doctors, geriatrics or nutritionists) must control food and eliminate the consequences of it being unbalanced, insufficient or excessive in some respects. Residencia Matacas analyzes the diet of its residents to adapt them to residents in a always healthy way.
In order to have a good control of the food, it must be borne in mind that from the age of 60 many changes in the body, physiological changes that influence the health and therefore alter the nutrition, by absorbing the nutrients differently or by changing the needs by changing the activity. That is, at this stage of life, the bodies feed differently. It is essential to know these changes and take them into account for diet planning. Residencia Matacas exposes some of these changes:
- Body composition: increases fat mass and reduces muscle and bone.
- Gastrointestinal tract: digestive processes are slowed, so vitamins and nutrients such as calcium or iron are absorbed worse.
- Metabolism: decreases the basal metabolism, which is the daily energy expenditure, therefore the caloric intake must be adjusted proportionally to the activity performed.
- From the cardiovascular and kidney system: heart spending and renal circulation drop, which can lead to protein malnutrition, as well as increased blood cholesterol concentration.
- From the immune system: defenses lose their effectiveness and there is more vulnerability to infections.
In order to meet these special needs, a number of essential nutrients must be particularly attentive: Captain Tsubasa Spain
- Vitamin D, to avoid anemia. We recommend fatty fish, such as salmon, vegetables and vegetables, enriched cereals and, as not, sunbathe for 20 minutes a day.
- Vitamin B12 to counter cognitive impairment. It is found in seafood, lean meat and fish.
- Zinc. It is a natural antioxidant that regulates the immune system. It is found in legumes, fish, eggs and meat.
- Calcium and phosphorus. Very important minerals for bones found mostly in dairy, nuts and fish.
- Iron. Although this mineral is lacking, a person at the age of the age should not acquire it through supplements, but through animal foods—such as, for example, the liver—because it is absorbed better than those of vegetable origin.
- Potassium. Combined with a decrease in salt consumption, it reduces hypertension and is found in vegetables, fruits and yogurts.
In Residencia Matacas, there is awareness that there are also many non-physical factors that will influence the feeding of the elderly. Among the most important are the decrease in physical activity, disease, chronic or not, and drugs, which can alter the sensation of appetite. Social, economic and psychological factors, such as isolation, loss of purchasing power and even loneliness, also have consequences for food.
In addition, with age, smell and taste are gradually lost, and this, coupled with intake difficulties, reduces pleasure and interest in food. In order to recover the taste for food, the ideal thing is that, in addition to balanced, it is attractive and attractive. Although it should be taken care of, because excessively sugary or seasoned dishes should be avoided, which can elevate blood glucose to dangerous levels or worsen possible hypertension problems. At Residencia Matacas, all these conditions are taken into account.
On the other hand, you should also take into account what foods do not consume in large quantities, which are those that are discouraged in any diet: ultra-processed, fried, etc. Special attention deserves control of the consumption of sugars and lipids. The latter should in no case contribute more than a third of the caloric contribution.
La Residencia Matacàs, located in the Catalan town of Sant Adrià del Besòs, is proud to have highly qualified professionals who are responsible for designing healthy, attractive and specialized diets to treat the nutritional needs of each resident.
The food at the old age in Residencia Matacàs
Balanced food is one of the essential aspects for a healthy and active life. When it comes to the elders, special attention should be paid. At Matacàs Residen
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