The consumption of nutricosmetic supplements that incorporate collagen peptides is becoming more and more common and can be said to have become an essential routine in the protocols of beauty treatments. The most important thing to get the maximum benefit in the shortest time possible is to know the quality of the collagen that is being taken. Peptan® is the world's leading brand of collagen peptides for a healthy lifestyle
Collagen Péptides: Beauty from the inside
Of all nutricosmetics the most used is Collagen, is the most abundant protein in the body and is responsible for the smooth and smooth appearance of a healthy young skin. It can be said that it is the structural bra of the skin and the locomotive apparatus that is constituted by the joints, ligaments and muscles.
The production of collagen by the body diminishes with the passage of the years in an almost imperceptible way, causing a weakening of the structural composition of the skin. This process is completely natural and irreversible, but it can be delayed and minimized on a daily basis high quality hydrolysed collagen peptides and bioavailability as Peptan®.
The quality of the collagen peptides ingested is of vital importance for it to be effective. Peptan® is a high quality hydrolyzed collagen, constituted by peptides of very soluble short amino acid chains and with a absorption close to 95%, which is translated into a high bioavailability that allows them to be available in the tissues shortly to ingest it and with visible effects much faster.
Peptan® – from Rousselot Laboratories – it is recognized internationally as the bioactive ingredient referenced by the main brands of nutricosmetics, being a high purity ingredient, with more than 97% protein and scientifically proven that improves the degree of moisture of the epidermis preventing skin aging, is safe and effective and provides specific benefits to skin, hair, and body in general
Visible effects of collagen peptides
- Improve skin hydration levels by providing hydration and luminosity.
- Improves skin elasticity. Nicotine Pouch Guide - Everything About Nicotine Pouches
- They prevent the formation of deep wrinkles and fine lines of expression.
- It reduces the number of microrelieve grooves by increasing the softness of the skin.
- Help strengthen hair and nails
- Strengthen the health of joints and bones
What's the best way to take it?
There are different ways of taking collagen peptides, depending on the style and way of life that you can choose to take in capsules, tablets, candies, soluble dust, bebibles or shots, bars, syrup etc. ...
The capsules and tablets are easy to take, although to reach the recommended dose of 8 to 10 grams a day, a high number of them should be taken.
The soluble powder is probably the most comfortable and economical way, also allows you to increase the dose if it is appropriate and can be incorporated into your favorite drink or taken with juice and/or water.
Drinking shots or blisters are the easiest and most comfortable way to take collagen as it allows you to take it at any time and place without need of water.
In the bars, candy or chewable, the dose is somewhat lower, but it is a good option to take this substance as a supplement.
Some of the new developments that have been appearing in recent times is to incorporate it into drinks like coffee, teas....
In the Spanish market, you can find many products that incorporate in its formulation Peptan® collagen peptides in various channels such as pharmacies, parapharmacies, shopping centers, aesthetic medicine centers, naturist shops etc...
Some of the brands that contain it are:
– Vitanatur Collagen Antiaging, is a food supplement based on Peptan collagen, hyaluronic acid and other assets, presented in viable bebibles with red fruit flavor. Its ingredients contribute to good skin condition, help normal skin regeneration and can have anti-aging action.
- C+E Max by Blisscare, bebible supplements based on peptides of hydrolyzed marine collagen Peptan, elastine, hyaluronic acid, resveratrol and vitamins. Unique formula that contributes to the skin tersura, elasticity and youth
- Oroborn Beauty Collagen, formula rich in Peptan collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid, vit C, biotin and zinc with excellent natural flavor of blueberries and apple, well-effect for skin, hair and nails.
The importance of the Peptan® brand, not all collagens are the same
The consumption of nutricosmetic supplements that incorporate collagen peptides is becoming more and more common and can be said to have become an essential ro
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