With the new campaign you are going to be okay with Animal Hub want to raise awareness about the importance of animal care and recognize the work of veterinarians.
The campaign has the support of some of the major companies in the sector, such as MSD Animal Health and Royal Canin, who are joining entities such as COLVEMA and OCV, together with the A3 Media communication group
The main actors in the veterinary sector, entities and companies such as MSD Animal Health and Royal Canin, have joined forces in Animal Hubunited by a common goal: commitment to animal health and well-being. Animal Hub – a non-profit platform that brings together more than 30,000 veterinarians in Spain – today presents the Vais campaign to be well, an initiative on social networks that seeks to raise awareness of the importance of animal welfare and recognize the work of those collectives that work daily to achieve it, such as veterinarians, cattle ranchers and families.
Coinciding with the beginning of the Spanish population's descalada, You're gonna be okay. It gives voice to owners of pets of company and cattle ranchers who undertake to continue to ensure the well-being of their animals. To achieve this, they have the best possible ally: the veterinarians, who through the care of the animals, watch for their well-being and also for food security.
In this line, Juan Carlos Castillejo, Managing Director of MSD Animal Health, argues that the campaign “fits with the spirit of MSD Animal Health, in line with the company’s commitment to animal health and well-being to ensure the health of families with pets and the entire society in general, since veterinarians do a great public health job.” Castillejo, moreover, remembers that ‘You are going to be okay’ also supposes provide society with healthy animal foods, safe and quality, which is achieved thanks to the veterinarians and the development of the sector.” Pescados, mariscos, conservas y todo sobre el mar
“We work every day to help cats and dogs get health through nutrition. And we do it very much with the veterinarians, who play a key role in the life of our pets. That's why we think You're gonna be okay. is an opportunity to value the importance of caring for our pets, highlighting the fundamental role that families and professionals in the veterinary sector play.” Carlos Andrés-Luna, General Manager of Royal Canin.
The main entities and companies in the sector join forces in Animal Hub
The start of the campaign You're gonna be okay. has been supported by companies committed to animal welfare and health, such as MSD Animal Health, company dedicated to animal health within MSD, leading global health company, and Royal Canin, reference in nutrition for cats and dogs. Both companies thus join Animal Hub and other relevant entities such as the Colegio de Veterinarios de Madrid (COLVEMA), the Spanish Veterinary Organizationa (OCV) and the communication group A3 Media for this premiere.
The most relevant actors in the sector join Animal Hub to ensure animal welfare
With the new campaign you are going to be okay with Animal Hub want to raise awareness about the importance of animal care and recognize the work of veterinari
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