The increase in consumption of food products without additives is booming. The porcine meat industry, once again produces serrano hams as it was done, without more ingredients than the pork leg and salt. Eating serrano ham is healthier than ever and Jamon Pasión adds, including more and more natural products, to the free life of nitriphics
It is becoming more and more aware that having a good state of health, passes by creating eating habits in which what is swallowed is as natural as possible, free of sugars, preservatives and artificial additives. Spain has taken longer than other European countries to include this custom, but it comes with enough force and the Serb ham I wasn't going to stay out.
It is becoming more and more common to see in the professional RRSS of nutrition and doctors spreading information about how important it is for a good physical and emotional state to properly nourish.
– Jamones de Trevélez: Jamón Serrano de la Alpujarra Sin Aditivos.
There is no need to present this Ham with Protected Geographical Identification IGP Ham of Trevélezrecognized internationally for centuries. Praised by artists, kings and emperors. In fact, on the denomonation seal of this Serrano ham you can read the following legend: “PREMITED BY S.M. THE ISABEL II REYNA IN 1862”.
The wife of Napoleon III, Empress consort of France, Eugenia de Montijo, introduced him to the court menus. And several artists among whom are García Lorca, Angel Gavinet or the Cervantes himself, make reference in some of his literary works to the Trevélez Ham.
The Japanese, enthusiastic about the “Spanish”, are one of the largest consumers outside of Europe of this laureated product.
- Where to Buy Trevélez Ham.
A Jamon cured in snowy Sierra at more than 1,500 m. of altitude through natural means, where in the healing process only the opening and closing of the windows is used to regulate humidity and temperature. Foro ciclismo
They can purchase natural serrano hams with three different labels according to the healing months:
– Trevélez Blue Tag Ham, with a minimum maturity of 17 months.
- Trevélez Ham Red label, with 3 months more than the previous one.
- Trevélez Black Tag Ham, the highest healer, reaching at least 23 months.
All of them are characterized by using only in their processing process, the paw of pork and salt.
In the municipality of Baza, province of Granada, located in the Sierra homonym, there is also the habit of preparing totally natural pork hams and pallets of great quality.
Jamón Pasión offers two trademarks of hams produced in the Sierra de Baza under the names of “Mission of the summits” and “Baza”. And it's got a super offer from a lot of Jamon Reserve 100% naturalwith ham, knife and Iberian chorizo for just EUR 89.99 including shipping costs.
- The Iberian Ham, the last one to join the “healthy life”.
It is true that the percentage of Natural Iberian hams is much lower than the serranos, a little incongruent, since the acorn hams Iberian pigs come from free breeding pigs and fed based on acorns and wild pastures, but to producers and cattle ranchers, whether to become aware of the health or simply to see that the demand for preservative-free products is increasing, are more those that are being targeted.
The online store Jamón Pasión, aware of the health benefits of a product of these characteristics, is expanding its offer of hams under those standards, even with certified organic hams from organic cattle pigs and fed with the same quality model.
Source Comunicae
The online store Jamón Pasión bets on sale of serrano hams 100% natural
The increase in consumption of food products without additives is booming. The porcine meat industry, once again produces serrano hams as it was done, without
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