In this statement, Dr. Claudia L exposes and describes 5 efficient tips for caries prevention, a disease that can affect your oral health
Dental decay is a disease that occurs due to the accumulation of bacteria on the dental surface. Bacteria create acids from sugar and generate problems such as teeth sensitivity and teeth deterioration.
There are mainly 3 types of cavities.
Coronal caries: is one of the most frequent and affects the parts of the tooth that perform the chewing function.
Radical caries: is associated with adult patients with periodontal problems, in which the root of the tooth is exposed.
Recurrent charges: is the one that appears under the fillings or on the covers that has been previously placed for the treatment of other decay.
The 5 tips for the efficient prevention of tooth decay
Oral hygiene
It is not enough to brush your teeth after each meal, but you have to do it in an appropriate way. Dental cleaning should also be done when food is ingested between hours; in particular, special attention should be paid to carbohydrate intake, which are rich in sugar and starch. Mejores Opiniones y reviews
Use the fluoride
Fluor is a mineral that can prevent the deterioration of the teeth from progressing. You can even reverse or stop a tooth decay at an early stage. Fluoride helps prevent tooth enamel from losing minerals and reduces the ability of bacteria to produce acids
Balanced diet
It is important to maintain a balanced diet. There are some foods that stick to the teeth, instead of quickly removing with the saliva. Excessive consumption of honey, sugar and soda is not good for teeth.
Stay hydrated
Saliva helps prevent cavities, as it removes the tooth plate; in addition, the substances it contains help to counter the acid produced by the bacteria.
Go to periodic reviews with the dentist
It is generally thought that you should only go to the dentist when you feel pain. This is a misconception, since the symptom of pain is only an alarm that something is not going well at all and that it could have been avoided if it had gone to dental review.
It is very important to go to periodic reviews with the dentist at least once a year. As the saying ‘we better prevent than cure’ says.
Source Comunicae
Tips for Efficient Prevention of Dental Caries: Dr. Claudia López
In this statement, Dr. Claudia L exposes and describes 5 efficient tips for caries prevention, a disease that can affect your oral health /COMUNICAE/ /COM
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