Tips for Maintaining Facial Health





The passage of the years, sun exposure, pollution or makeup are some of the factors involved in aging the face. Care externally, with facial treatments and cleanings, is as important as doing it internally, through balanced nutrition and hydration. Herbalife Nutrition gives some recommendations with which to maintain correct facial health

The face is the mirror of the soul. It reflects the mood, the character of each, but also the state of health. In the same way that the body or hair is cared for, it is necessary to do the same with the face, especially with the passage of the years and the exposure to the sun, because they are determining factors that make their appearance different.


From the age of 30, the skin begins to lose luminosity and elasticity, which favors the appearance of wrinkles, stains and other signs. Neither does summer help. This time can cause rabies in the skin, leaving it with a dry, off look. Follow a balanced diet, take vitamins, hydrate, use sun protection and take other precautions can help care for the look of the face. Laura Chacón-Garbato, Director of Nutrition, Education and Global Nutrition Training Herbalife Nutrition gives a series of recommendations to keep the skin healthy:

Drink plenty of water
Extenuating activities during the summer months can cause substantial loss of water and electrolytes, so it is essential to keep the body hydrated. During the hottest days it is important to always have on hand drink and moisturizing food. A solution for those who eat water constantly is to add a fresh flavor or fruit. In fact, eating fruit is an excellent way to stay hydrated. On the contrary, sugary drinks, such as soft drinks, increase thirst, so it is essential to maximize consumption.

Facial cleaning
The sweat, pollution or makeup, among others, are factors that fill the skin of the face with impurity and do not let it breathe, which causes the appearance of grains, dilated pores and dead cells. To avoid these signs it is essential to thoroughly clean the face, as well as hydrate it. Facial masks provide firmness and tonicity to the skin, hydrate it, remove excess fat and impurities and help reduce the signs of aging. Comprar Pintura

Increase proteins
Proteins are essential for tissue repair and construction of new tissues. The cells need proteins to stay, and the body uses them to “replace” worn or dead skin cells. Proteins can be added to the diet from sources such as chicken, meat, fish, soy or tofu. Substitute smoothies of meals are also a good way to increase protein consumption.

Taking antioxidants and phytonutrients
Although proteins are essential for healthy skin, antioxidants and phytonutrients are also crucial for skin and health in general. Some plant substances accumulate in the skin and enhance the antioxidant defense mechanism of skin cells. Include in diet fruits such as blueberries, strawberries or apples, and vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and curly cabbage, will help keep your skin healthy.

Use a daily FPS
Sunbathing is one of the most pleasant moments in the summer, as long as the nasty sunburns are avoided. You should always try to use large-spectrum sunscreens with a 15 or higher FPS value to protect the skin during the usual exposure, while protection should be stronger if you plan to spend more hours in the sun. This sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes before sun exposure. For further protection, you can choose light sportswear with built-in UVA/UVB protection. Some light materials absorb the sweat and allow the skin to breathe while enjoying the outdoors.

Collagen Skin Booster, extra help
The collagen of the human body represents between 25% and 30% of its total protein, of which about 75% is collagen of the skin. The collagen is mainly found in the connective tissue and is responsible for giving the dermis its firm structure. During the aging process, the skin suffers a progressive loss of moisture and becomes increasingly dry. When this happens, the dermis becomes thinner, the connective tissue loses its firmness and elasticity, and wrinkles and flacy begin to appear. To help your skin age with elegance, products such as the Herbalife Nutrition Skin Booster Collagen can help, from the inside out, maintain the proper structure of the skin, reduce eye contour wrinkles and improve elasticity. Results are visible after four weeks.

Tips for Maintaining Facial Health

Tips for Maintaining Facial Health

The passage of the years, sun exposure, pollution or makeup are some of the factors involved in aging the face. Care externally, with facial treatments and cle





Tips for Maintaining Facial Health
Tips for Maintaining Facial Health

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