On 10 June, employees will receive information about cardiovascular diseases and their prevention and may undergo small medical assessment tests in individualized consultations. The rest of the week will be held various workshops related to nutrition, physical activity and emotional well-being, aimed at fostering healthy habits among their professionals
Leading company in digital solutions VASS has acceded to the campaign ‘Women for the Heart’ launched by the Mapfre Foundation, the Procnic Foundation and the Spanish Heart Foundation, which aims to raise awareness among women of the high mortality rate among the female population due to cardiovascular diseases, against the widespread perception that these problems only affect men.
It is one of the novelties of the second edition of the healthy week VASS which is held from this Monday to next Friday at the headquarters that the company has in Madrid and Barcelona with the intention of fostering healthy habits among the staff.
Thanks to this initiative of ‘Women for the Heart’, employees will have the possibility to go to a personalized medical consultation with health professionals, to provide information on cardiovascular diseases. In these individual consultations, between 7 and 10 minutes, employees may undergo small assessment tests on possible risk of infarction such as measurement of the waist perimeter, blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar, height and weight. In addition, you will receive practical information on how to recognize the symptoms of heart failure and how to lead a heart-healthy life. blog sobre telescopios
Inside the healthy week of VASS, which organizes for the second consecutive year the area People " Talentvarious internal activities, workshops, talks and practical sessions will be held. A complete schedule of actions that begins, this Monday, with workshops mindfulness and relaxation.
From Tuesday to Thursday will happen various workshops, relating to nutrition and healthy food, with practical cases of how to produce a weekly menu; prevention of injuries when doing physical activities; and emotional well-being and stress management.
All actions will take place in working hours and, some of them, in double session to promote and facilitate the maximum influx and participation of all workers.
‘ VASS healthy week joins the other actions we promote among our employees within the global project VASS Care, aimed at providing physical and emotional well-being template’, emphasizes the director of People & Talent de VASS, Paula Rodrigo.
VASS celebrates this week its healthy week adhering to the “Women for the Heart” campaign
On 10 June, employees will receive information about cardiovascular diseases and their prevention and may undergo small medical assessment tests in individuali
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