Low calorie drink triumphs at millenial weddings thanks to its high probiotic value and health benefits
Signing healthy drinks Viver Kombucha, has diversified its production to meet the growing healthy demand of the bridal sector. The company of Granada, which focuses its success on the use of products of proximity for the preparation of its drink, based on fermented tea in the traditional way and with high probiotic value, has found in this sector an important niche of market avid offer.
And it is that as they explain from the brand, “the increasingly clear defense for healthy food and drink triumphs at the weddings of the millenials, who abandon the sugary drinks in search of others, equal to tasty, but with clear health benefits.”
In this way, thanks to an attractive format of 330 milliliters, low in calories and with a wide range of flavors, Víver Kombucha has positioned itself as the reference drink among those couples who want to offer their guests, in addition to the traditional dressings, “a healthy alternative with which not only can you refresh yourself but to elaborate amazing cocktails thanks to the very flavor that the Kombucha offers”, the responsible
Due to its soft taste, although this drink is compatible with pairing both in the appetizers and in any of the different moments of the celebration, “Víver Kombucha fits perfectly and therefore is highly demanded in the welcome cocktail as before the wedding banquet”, said Márquez.
The firm, which advances day by day in the launch of new flavors capable of surprising the consumer, has just promoted a limited edition of watermelon flavor with the eyes put on the summer events. Add to it its already appreciated flavors of strawberry and hibisco, lemon and spirulina, pineapple and grass and turmeric and ginger. Diets, plans and health
Viver Kombucha contains, in addition to kombucha or fermented tea, other natural ingredients such as selected organic fruit from the Andalusian countryside and roots such as turmeric and ginger that make this type of beverage according to nutrition experts “a healthy cocktail species that help the body in its rehydration and subsequent elimination of toxins”.
Because of these characteristics, this product becomes a very interesting option for events in which alcohol intake is favorable, since Kombucha is a natural anti-sover of the most effective. Something that knows very well in other countries like the United States, where this drink has a great acceptance to fight the hangover for its high content in natural electrolytes that help effectively replenish cell hydration quickly.
Vegana and gluten free, Viver Kombucha, has assured Fernando Martin, one of the founders of the brand, has become what we have of 2022 in one of the favorite healthy choices of boyfriends for the wedding convite because “in addition to healthy they consider this different, fun, colorful, refreshing and very rich drink.”
For the Granadina company, the wedding sector has become not only an important market niche, according to the data of the bridal sector “marriages increased by 63 percent over 2020, but in a good space to make known the qualities of this product.
Viver Kombucha, company dedicated to the production and distribution of the Kombucha, opened its doors in March 2020. Despite the start in full pandemic, the Granada company has not stopped growing ever since.
The firm began its distribution in shops and chains of the ecological sector and, in just one year of existence, has already managed to have presence in such teachings as El Corte Inglés, Alcampo, Covirán, Covalco, Masymas, Comerbal, Eroski, GM Food, Herbolarios Navarro, Caprabo, Gadis, Romen, Upper, and through the Horeca channel.
Viver Kombucha diversifies its product in response to the new healthy demand for wedding events
Low calorie drink triumphs at millenial weddings thanks to its high probiotic value and health benefits /COMUNICAE/ /COMUNICAE/
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