What are the benefits of low temperature cooking




The way we prepare food influences the quality, presentation and nutritional value of dishes. That is why professional chefs constantly seek new cooking techniques that meet the needs of consumers and promote sensory instinct.


Under that concept, and after deep scientific research, the low-temperature cooking. A culinary resource that in principle did not like anything to traditional cooks. After all: who would want to cook food longer and at lower temperature?

Logic, right?

However, just as it happened with the most skeptical chefs, once you know the low temperature cooking benefits Everything makes sense.

And the number of Spanish restaurants that are adding cooking at low temperature shows it.

In the following publication we will know the definition of kitchen at low temperaturewhich are the types that exist and their benefits.

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What is low-temperature cooking?

It's a method of kitchen at low intensity where temperature vigor is reduced, specifically between 50° and 100°according to the type of food. Scifi books reviews

It is an avant-garde culinary technique inspired by technological growth that allows to manipulate temperature and time accurately.

What are the benefits of low temperature cook 1

But what do we know as low-temperature cooking? Is it lowering the intensity and now? The answer is no. There are several methods of slow-fire cooking, such as:

  • Dry. Foods are introduced into the oven and lets you cook slowly.
  • Vapor. Foods are cooked thanks to the steam flowing fluids.
  • Sous Vide. When we talk about Sous Videwe refer to a cooking technique where the food is sealed to the vacuum hermetically and cooked with hot water.

Benefits of low temperature cooking

More nutritious foods, appetizing presentation, lower degree of oxidation and disease reduction. These, and more advantages of low temperature cookingI'll see you later.

Healthy and nutritious dishes

When food is cooked at high temperatures a large amount of minerals and vitamins is lost, proteins are broken and cancer substances are formed.

On the other hand, low-temperature cooking allows these nutrients to be preserved, maintained and reduced.

As a result: our organism benefits from energy, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and increased disease prevention cardiovascular and neurodegenerative.

Organoleptic impact

Thank you. recipes sous vide, where liquid contact is avoided at high temperatures, foods retain their properties, retain the juices and improve their taste. The result: a delicious and nutritious dish.

Avoid oxidation

By sealing food hermetically, we isolate oxygen and reduce toxins over edible.

For example: when potatoes are cooked at high temperatures it forms acrylamidea substance that encourages oxidation in the cells.

Improved presentation

Have you heard the term ‘remained at his point’? Thanks to low-temperature cooking, foods better retain juices, oils, moisture and gain more texture. In other words, the dishes are seen soft, tender, juicy and appetizing.

Greater precision

When you place the skillet at high temperatures, the food gets a toasted black color. In principle we think he's cooking properly, but he's not.

The outer texture is warming, but the interior is not. It keeps crude and expels all its nutrients.

coccion a baja temperatura

What are the benefits of low temperature cooking

Healthy and nutritious dishesOrganoleptic impactAvoid oxidationImproved presentationGreater precision






What are the benefits of low temperature cook 1
What are the benefits of low temperature cook 1
What are the benefits of low temperature cook 1
What are the benefits of low temperature cook 1

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