Red wines with black and intense chocolates, or sweet wines like Moscatel and chocolates with citrus notes, are some of the options that can be included in snacks or meals. Thanks to its high cocoa content and low sugar levels, Paccari chocolates become one of the healthiest options for these parties
Christmas is around the corner and this year comes with a special flavor: a reencounter flavor of the real, a taste of hugs stronger than ever, to laughter, family and happiness. That is why these Christmases, so that everything is even more perfect and memorable, you should not forget the ideal gift, the most original decoration and, above all, the best dishes to offer the guests. Today a gastronomic proposal is presented that will not leave anyone indifferent:a pair of wine and chocolate.
Invalid request: request (3017) exceeds text limit (2000)Wine and chocolate: four ways to surprise guests with a unique bet
Red wines with black and intense chocolates, or sweet wines like Moscatel and chocolates with citrus notes, are some of the options that can be included in sna
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